WARNINGS -------- THIS SOURCE CODE IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN, FREEWARE, SHAREWARE, or "COPY-LEFTED." THIS SOURCE CODE MAY BE FREELY DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE LIMITS SPECIFIED BELOW. THIS SOURCE CODE HAS NO ACTUAL OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND FROM PETER A. DINDA, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER PARTY. THIS SOURCE CODE IS NOT SUPPORTED BY PETER A. DINDA, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER PARTY. To the best of my knowledge, this source code, "RPS", is correct and suitable. However, no warranty or guarantee of any kind, either actual or implied, is provided for this software. Additionally, no support is provided for this software. It is used at your own risk. ============================================================================== LICENSE ------- This source code, "RPS", is Copyright (c) 1999 by Peter A. Dinda Current version is available via: http://www.cs.nwu.edu/~pdinda/RPS.html Permission is granted to distribute and freely use and extend "RPS", or to incorporate the "RPS" source code into other software within these limits: 0) "RPS" and any derivatives of "RPS" must retain this license, display the above copyright notice when run, and include this file. 1) "RPS" and any derivatives of "RPS" may only be freely used for non-commercial purposes. If you are interested in commercial use of "RPS", contact Peter A. Dinda (pdinda@cs.nwu.edu). 2) Peter A. Dinda (pdinda@cs.nwu.edu) must be notified of any derivatives of "RPS" In simple terms, "RPS" may be freely used for any non-commercial, non-military purposes. Derivatives of "RPS" must be similarly free and Peter A. Dinda (pdinda@cs) must be notified of their existence. Commercial use of "RPS" and commercial derivatives of "RPS" are NOT ALLOWED under this license. To use "RPS" commercially, contact Peter A. Dinda (pdinda@cs.nwu.edu) for more information. Dr. Peter A. Dinda Department of Computer Science Northwestern University 1890 Maple Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 pdinda@cs.nwu.edu http://www.cs.nwu.edu/~pdinda