EECS 321:   Programming Languages — Homework 6
1 Mutable structs
2 Eliminating old bindings
3 Conveniences
4 Errors
5 Handin instructions

EECS 321: Programming Languages — Homework 6

1 Mutable structs

Structs are pieces of compound data which accessed using field names, which map to field values.

Add struct and get forms for records, and also add a set form that modifies the value of a record field:

<RFAE> = <num>

       | {+ <RFAE> <RFAE>}

       | {- <RFAE> <RFAE>}

       | {fun {<id>} <RFAE>}

       | {<RFAE> <RFAE>}             ;; function application

       | <id>

       | {struct {<id> <RFAE>}*}     ;; all fields must be distinct

       | {get <RFAE> <id>}

       | {set <RFAE> <id> <RFAE>}

       | {seqn <RFAE> <RFAE>}

Each of struct, get, and set evaluate all of their sub-expressions before doing the corresponding operations.

Also extend parse to support the new operations; note that the fields must be distinct, but that our tests do not supply any struct expressions with duplicate fields.

Define the usual interp-expr, which takes an expression and interprets it with an empty initial deferred substitution and empty initial store, and returns either a number, 'function, or 'struct (without returning the store).

Your implementation must not use mutation at the PLAI level. (I.e., no PLAI boxes.)

Some examples (these are just a few to think about; this does not constitute anything near a comprehensive test suite):

(test/exn (interp-expr (parse '{struct {z {get {struct {z 0}} y}}}))
          "unknown field")
(test (interp-expr (parse '{{fun {r}
                              {get r x}}
                            {struct {x 1}}}))
(test (interp-expr (parse '{{fun {r}
                                {set r x 5}
                                {get r x}}}
                            {struct {x 1}}}))
(test (interp-expr (parse '{set {struct {x 42}} x 2}))
(test (interp-expr (parse '{{{{{fun {g}
                                 {fun {s}
                                   {fun {r1}
                                     {fun {r2}
                                       {+ {get r1 b}
                                            {{s r1} {g r2}}
                                            {+ {seqn
                                                 {{s r2} {g r1}}
                                                 {get r1 b}}
                                               {get r2 b}}}}}}}}
                               {fun {r} {get r a}}}            ; g
                              {fun {r} {fun {v} {set r b v}}}} ; s
                             {struct {a 0} {b 2}}}             ; r1
                            {struct {a 3} {b 4}}}))            ; r2

2 Eliminating old bindings

If you used the same strategy we did in class for implementing the store, this program:

{with {b {struct {x 1}}}
  {with {f {fun {f}
             {seqn {set b x 2}
                   {f f}}}}
    {f f}}}

will (eventually) consume all of the memory available because the store grows without bound. Adjust your implementation so that the store’s size is proportional only to the number of struct expressions that were evaluated, not to the number of set operations.

Alternatively, here’s a version of the above program that does not use with, but is otherwise the same.

{{fun {b} {{fun {f} {f f}}
           {fun {f} {seqn {set b x 2}
                          {f f}}}}}
 {struct {x 1}}}

To help you experiment with your interpreter, use this function:

; size : any -> number?
; computes a (very rough!) approximation of
; the size a PLAI object takes in memory
(define (size s)
    [(struct? s)
     (size (struct->vector s))]
    [(vector? s)
     (for/fold ([tot 0])
               ([ele (in-vector s)])
       (+ tot (size ele)))]
    [(pair? s)
     (+ 1 (size (car s)) (size (cdr s)))]
    [else 1]))

Something like this:

; interp : RFAE? DefSub? Store? -> Value*Store?
(define (interp a-rfae ds store)
  (printf "size ~s\n" (size store))
  (type-case RFAE a-rfae

3 Conveniences

To make your life easier when testing your interpreter, you may implement a compiler from an extended language (e.g., including with and/or multi-argument functions) to RFAE.

We will not be testing it; our tests will only cover the RFAE language above. This would be strictly for your convenience.

4 Errors

There are five different kinds of errors that can occur (at runtime) in this language and for each error in the input program, your interpreter must signal an error that includes one of the following phrases:
  • "free identifier"

  • "expected function"

  • "expected number"

  • "expected record"

  • "unknown field"

As before, each operation in the language that evaluates its sub-expressions immediately must evaluate them from left to right and must evaluate all of them before checking any error conditions.

Your parser will be supplied only well-formed RFAE programs, according to the grammar above.

5 Handin instructions

Provide a definition of interp-expr : RFAE -> number or function or struct, as above.

Provide a definition of parse : sexpression -> RFAE, as above.

Have the 8 rules from the Provost’s website (see the homework 1 for more details).

Submit your code using the Handin button in DrRacket.