Shu-Hung You
I am a Ph.D. student working on programming languages research with Robby Findler and Christos Dimoulas at Computer Science, Northwestern University.
I am interested in the theory of programming languages. Broadly speaking, I enjoy designing language features that ensure correct validation of the behavior of programs. My interests also include implementing programming languages, building abstract machines, and playing with compilers for functional languages.
I currently work on behavioral boundaries, a theoretical foundation for specifying and comparing contract systems. Behavioral boundaries are a syntactic device that re-structure the common formal model of higher-order contract systems into an interposition subsystem and a monitoring subsystem. The interposition subsystem track the flow of values in programs to emit events during evaluation, whereas the monitoring subsystem enforces the contracts. By providing a uniform interface between the two subsystems, behavioral boundaries enable language designers to specify contract systems modularly. The uniform interface additionally admits a generic safey theorem, reducing the boilerplate needed when proving the correctness of contract systems.
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PLT@Northwestern at Mudd 3418
Shu-Hung You, Robert Bruce Findler and Christos Dimoulas.
Sound and Complete Concolic Testing for Higher-order Functions.
[pdf] [code]
In ESOP 2021. P. Florence, Shu-Hung You, Jesse A. Tov, and Robert Bruce Findler.
A Calculus for Esterel: If Can, Can. If No Can, No Can.
[pdf] [code and proofs]
In POPL 2019. St-Amour, Daniel Feltey, Spencer P. Florence, Shu-Hung You, and Robert Bruce Findler.
Herbarium Racketensis: a stroll through the woods (functional pearl).
[pdf] [code]
In ICFP 2017. C. d. S. Oliveira, Shin-Cheng Mu and Shu-Hung You.
Modular Refiable Matching: a list-of-functor approach to two-level types.
[pdf] [MRM code] [Haskell package]
In Haskell Symposium 2015.