ACM International Collegiate Programming ContestIndian Institute of Technology, Kanpuracm ICPC 2000
Asia Region - Kanpur Site
Organized by: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Event On : 15 & 16 December 2000

    Prime Sponsor

Prime Sponsor: IBM

Schedule Contest Rules For Contestants
Chief Guest
IIT-K Information acm ICPC 1999 acm ICPC 1999
Photo Gallery

Other Sponsors:

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) is the largest computer programming contest in the world. The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is an activity of the ACM that provides college students with an opportunity to demonstrate and sharpen their problem-solving and computing skills. The ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Contests invite Asian students to meet, establish friendships and promote fair competition in programming. There are eight sites in Asia region. The winning team of each site is eligible to participate to the world finals. Winning team also gets the travel support from ACM ICPC sponsor to participate in the finals. IIT Kanpur is hosting this mega-event for the second time in a row. 

ACM ICPC 2000 Kanpur Site Winners

Team from the Bangladsh University Of Engg. & Tech., BUET Loopers, stood first in the event. The team comprised of Munirul Abedin, Mustaq Ahmad, Abudallah-Al-Mahmood and coach M. Kaykobad.

Contest Director's Report

IIT Delhi gets the wild card

Final Result

Contest Problems

A Talk With The Chief Guest

A Talk With Veritas

A Talk With Tata Infotech

Veritas ACM ICPC Dinner

Media Reports

Press Release


Visits from 27th September, 2000  Image

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Last modified: December 19, 2000: 15:40   IST
Developed and Maintained by  Shailendra M. Tripathi