ACM International Collegiate Programming Contestacm ICPC 2000
Asia Region - Kanpur Site
Organized by: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

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News Update

Practice Session Concludes

The practice session went off well. Contestants had been given 2 problems to be solved in 2 hours duration. Out of total 65 teams finally arrived, 4 teams were able to solve both the problems. Another 13 teams were able to solve one problem.There were no major problems with the systems. Couple of machines were erratic and are being replaced. Around six teams were unfamiliar with the Unix/Linux environment and for them the session was very useful. In essence, it came up with its purpose.

Inaugural Programme

The Inaugural Programme started off promptly at 9.30 a.m. with an Invocation in Sanskrit by Ms. Amravati Biswas. Dr. Padma Wankar briefly introduced the ACM ICPC and competently compered the programme.

The Welcome Address was given by Professor Krishna Kumar, Dean of Academic Affairs, IIT Kanpur. He welcomed all visitors to the Institute campus and elaborated on the structure of the Contest. A special invitation was extented to the participants and their coaches to visit the special facilities at IIT Kanpur, like its Central Library, CAD Center and the Flying Club.

Professor K A Padmanabhan welcomed all participants to IIT Kanpur. He emphasized the importance of developing cutting-edge technologies, a goal to which IIT Kanpur is committed. Professor Padmanabhan spoke also of the abundant interest and enthusiasm present in young people today. The role of teachers is to nurture and not stifle this curiosity and potential for original thinking. Contests such as the ACM ICPC are valuable especially because they promote creativity and innovation in students.

Mr. Kiran Deshpande, Managing Director and CEO of Mahindra British Telecom Limited was introduced by Ms Wankar as the Chief Guest. He spoke briefly to the participants, sharing with them his insights into the current state of the software industry in India and the challenges confronting the young professionals.

Dr. Phalguni Gupta, Contest Director, Kanpur Site, presented the Vote of Thanks. He informed participants that Professor C.J. Hwang, Director Asia Region ACM ICPC was unable to attend the Contest due to ill-health. Professor Hwang has been a source of inspiration as well as a prime mover behind the increased interest in the Contest in Asia and his presence is sorely missed. Among those who were thanked for their support were the sponsors of the Contest: IBM, MBT, Tata Infotech, Infosys and Veritas; also Tata McGraw Hill who have given copies of books for all participants and Addison Wesley and Prentice Hall of India who have given books for the winners of the Contest. Dr. Phalguni Gupta specially thanked Dr. Abul L. Haque (North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Mr. Sudhakar Chopra (DOEACC), Dr. N. Subramanian (Tata McGraw Hill) as well as Dr. K.A. Padmanabhan (Director IIT Kanpur) and all colleagues and students for their unstinting support.

In the debriefing session following Tea, Dr. Deepak Gupta, Systems Committee Chair assigned team numbers to all the teams. He also explained the Contest Environment and the PC2 Software. Following this, the Chief Judge, Dr. Manindra Agarwal, explained the Judging Rules and answered queries from the participants.

Inaugural Speech of Chief Guest, Kiran Deshpande, MD MBT

Registration Of Teams

Upto 09:30 AM, 15 December 65 teams have reported at the the registration counter. Teams are still arriving. Almost all the teams are expected to arrive as per their intimation of arriving soon.

Hospiatlity Cell In Service

Hospitality Cell is in service now. Cell members are ready to help the participants. Members waiting and recieving them at the Kanpur railway station to bring them.

Teams Begin To Arrive

Early in the morning, teams begin to arrive on 13 December. Teams from the AMA International, Bangladesh were to arrive first. They arrived early in the morning. A few more teams arrived later. Our hospitality service begins Thursday(14 December) morning.




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