ACM International Collegiate Programming Contestacm ICPC 2000
Asia Region - Kanpur Site
Organized by: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

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The 25th ACM ICPC Asia Region - Kanpur Site Contest

15 - 16 December 2000



Like in the previous year, the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest [Asia Region Kanpur Site] was conducted successfully at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (India). This was largely due to the wonderful teamwork; I got not only full support and cooperation from my Institute, especially from the department of computer science & engineering, but also from the industry sponsors, to whom I am very grateful.

Though we received more than 130 entries from all corners of the country, and also from neighboring countries like Hongkong, Bangladesh and Singapore, due to unavoidable limitations, we were unable to accept registrations from more than 70 teams this year. Finally, 66 teams participated in the Contest. There were 12 teams from Bangladesh. All regions of India (North, South, East and West) were well-represented by 54 teams. Almost all the reputed engineering colleges in India participated in the contest. There were 3 teams each from IIT Guwahati, IIT Delhi, IIT Madras, IIT Kanpur, Indian Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka.

Teams started arriving on the IIT Kanpur campus from 13 December onwards with a lot of hopes and ideas. On 15th December 2000, Mr. Kiran Deshpande, MD & CEO, Mahindra British Telecom Ltd., Pune India inaugurated the contest. To enable contestants to become familiar with the environment, on 15th December we had a practice session, which started at 2:30 PM and continued till 4:30 PM. A special Quiz for the contestants was also conducted by Veritas Software India Limited, one of the sponsors, on 15th December. On 16th December the contest began at 10 AM. It was under linux environment and was of 5 hours duration.

Results were declared on 16th December, following a Cultural Program of Indian music. We are glad to announce that Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka is the Winner of the Contest. Details of the Results are available on our web site.

There were 9 teams who could solve a maximum of 2 problems out of 8. IIT Kanpur is the only institute all of whose three participating teams could solve 2 problems. By virtue of being the Winner of the Regional Contest held at IIT Kanpur, the team from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka is eligible to participate in the World Finals.

The Contest provided a platform where our future programmers, professionals, industries and government organizations worked together. It would have been impossible to organize this event without the wonderful support I received from everyone. My grateful thanks to all contestants, coaches, sponsors (IBM, Infosys, Tata Infotech, MBT, and Veritas), book-sponsors (Tata McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall India and Addison Wesley), ACM contest organizers, the IIT Kanpur administration, department colleagues, my working committees, volunteers, service providers, and the host of people who helped from both within and outside the Institute.

IIT Kanpur is going to host the ACM ICPC Regional Contest again next year. We shall be back, with greater experience, more innovations and another wonderful event!

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Last modified: December 18, 2000 10:20 IST
Developed by Shailendra M. Tripathi