#include #include #include void printboard(int); void nextgame(); int n,r,c,pr,pc,kr,kc; int winlevel=9000,smlevel=9000; int maxlevel; char grid[104][104][2]; int turn; int commentary=0; int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { commentary=0; if(argc>1) commentary=atoi(argv[1]); cout << "\nTRYST 2001 - ByteWise Contest \nSubmitted by:\nAshish Gupta and Sumanta Bhowmik\n98131\nD-30 , D-32 Jwalamukhi Hostel"; cout << "\n\nEnter number of games to analyze :"; cin >> n; int i; for(i=0;i> r >> c >> pr >> pc >> kr >> kc; //___Data validation____ if(r<3 || r>=100 || c<2 || c>=100 || pr<1 || pr>r || pc < 1 || pc>c || kr< 1 || kr>r || kc <1 || kc>c) { cout << "\nInvalid input !"; continue; } nextgame(); } return 0; } // This function prints the board for the current move void printboard(int move) { int i,j,k; cout << "\nMove number : " << move; for(i=r;i>=1;i--) { cout << endl; for(j=1;j<=c;j++) { if(grid[1+i][1+j][turn]==1 && i==pr+move && j==pc) cout << " W"; else if(grid[1+i][1+j][turn]==1) cout << " K"; else if(i==pr+move && j==pc) cout << " P"; else cout << " ."; } } cout << endl; getchar(); } // This function actually tries all the moves and finds the winning move void nextgame() { int i,j,k; for(i=0;i<103;i++) for(j=0;j<103;j++) grid[i][j][0]=grid[i][j][1]=0; int move; int maxmoves=r-pr; turn=0; grid[1+kr][1+kc][turn]=1; for(move=0;move<=maxmoves;move++) { cout << "\nAnalyzing move number... " << move; if(commentary) printboard(move); //___pawn wins if(pr+move==r) { break; } //___Check stats for current move___ if(grid[1+pr+move][1+pc][turn]==1) { winlevel=move; break; } //___stalemate if(grid[1+pr+move+1][1+pc][turn]==1 && smlevel>200) { smlevel=move; // break; } for(i=1;i<=r;i++) { for(j=1;j<=c;j++) { if(grid[1+i][1+j][turn]==1) { grid[1+i][1+j][turn]=0; grid[1+i+1][1+j+2][1-turn]=1; grid[1+i+1][1+j-2][1-turn]=1; grid[1+i-1][1+j+2][1-turn]=1; grid[1+i-1][1+j-2][1-turn]=1; grid[1+i+2][1+j+1][1-turn]=1; grid[1+i+2][1+j-1][1-turn]=1; grid[1+i-2][1+j+1][1-turn]=1; grid[1+i-2][1+j-1][1-turn]=1; } } } turn=1-turn; } if(winlevel<9000) { cout << "\nKnight wins after " << winlevel << " moves."; } else if(smlevel<9000) { cout << "\nKnight stalemates after " << smlevel << " moves."; } else { cout << "\nPawn wins after " << (r-pr-1) << " moves of Knight."; } }