Course and Teacher Evaluations for COMP_SCI Fall Quarter 2003-2004
COMP_SCI: Computer Science
Bruce Gooch 130-0 section 20: Tools and Technology of the World-Wide Web Fall 2003-2004 | 24 students enrolled 54.2% responded |
Multiple Choice Questions
key to questions: 1 is low, 6 is high
Response Rate |
1. Instruction: overall rating |  | 13/24 |
Frequency -> |
2. Course: overall rating |  | 13/24 |
Frequency -> |
3. Amount learned in course |  | 13/24 |
Frequency -> |
4. Level of intellectual challenge |  | 13/24 |
Frequency -> |
5. Interest stimulated in course |  | 13/24 |
Frequency -> |
6. Time spent per week |  | 13/24 |
Frequency -> |
Fun class, fun final product! Take this for an easy CS class!/ this was
a great class! prof. gooch and sanjay make the entire experience
stress-free. i knew nothing...that's right, nothing...about web-page
design before taking this class, and i was guided along at my own pace.
Really great class, really easy to get an "A" if you do the work. Take
this class!/ overall easy class, mac useres beware, b/c the TA
demonstrates and grades on a pc. There are some compatability issues
that may effect you grade and frustrate the heck out of you./ Bruce is
the nicest guy ever!! This class is interesting and certainly useful if
you ever want to make a website. It can be challenging at times, but if
you're willing to ask questions and do a bit of self-teaching from the
web, it's easy. There's no text, no reading, no papers and no exams!/
Great course, learned a lot about creating web pages and web design
which I am sure to use in the future/ Prof Gooch is really cool and
nice, but the course itself isn't the most interesting or most helpful.
I definitely think it can be constructed in a manner so that it's more
productive and effective. Moreover, it was just frustrating cuz both
the Professor and TA assumed that all the students knowledge level was
higher than it actually was./ Fun class, perfect for someone with no
knowledge of HTML./ Great course that did the job it set out to do. You
don't need to know anything about web design and when you're done you
can design great stuff. Really great way to kill a math requirement./
This class was awesome. I learned so much and am very excited to now
say that I can make HTML webpages (good for resume). I'd definitely
take this class if you have any remote interest in making your own
webpage for anything. Sanjay was a great TA-very helpful and willing to
explain to the less technologically adept. But beware the people who
take this class and clearly have already mastered making webpages or
the like! That was the worst part of the class. Other than that, as
Professor Gooch would say, "Right on!"/ This was a ridiculously easy
class. It was fun, and professor gooch is a great guy. sanjay was a
great TA. Even if you have no prior knowledge of computers, this is a
great class to take if interested in web based design./ This is a great
class, especially for those who don’t know anything about building
websites. The professor is very nice and laid-back. Both he and the TA
were willing to help with any questions. This is a very manageable
computer class for people who aren’t into computers.
My main interest before taking | My main reason for taking | My class | My school |
Response Rate: 13/24 | | Response Rate: 13/24 | Response Rate: 13/24 |
6 - Very High | 38% | 5 | 7% | 4 | 38% | 3 | 7% | 2 | 7% | 1 - Very Low | 0% |
| Distribution | 31% | Major | 15% | Minor | 0% | Elective | 15% | Other | 8% | None | 31% |
| Freshman | 23% | Sophomore | 8% | Junior | 15% | Senior | 54% | Grad | 0% | Other | 0% |
| KGSM | 0% | SESP | 8% | Medill | 8% | WCAS | 38% | Music | 0% | Commun | 31% | McCormick | 15% | Graduate School | 0% | Summer Session | 0% | SCS | 0% |