Course and Teacher Evaluations for COMP_SCI Spring Quarter 2003-2004
COMP_SCI: Computer Science
Bruce Gooch 311-0 section 20: Data Structures and Data Management Spring 2003-2004 | 37 students enrolled 43.2% responded |
Multiple Choice Questions
key to questions: 1 is low, 6 is high
Response Rate |
1. Instruction: overall rating |  | 16/37 |
Frequency -> |
2. Course: overall rating |  | 16/37 |
Frequency -> |
3. Amount learned in course |  | 15/37 |
Frequency -> |
4. Level of intellectual challenge |  | 15/37 |
Frequency -> |
5. Interest stimulated in course |  | 16/37 |
Frequency -> |
6. Time spent per week |  | 15/37 |
Frequency -> |
Be prepared to devote a lot of time. Take CS 310 before hand and it
will help with the abstract concepts. Start your programming assignment
early./ Very abstract class./ A good class, emphasizing theory more
than actual coding. Start early on programming assignments or expect to
be up all night debugging what you thought would be an easy task./ Good
course, fun instructor, would have liked more hands-on teaching
approach./ Get very comfortable with CS before taking this class and
you’ll think it’s easy./ Hard class, but manageable. Start the
assignments ahead of time!/ Despite what everyone says, this class is
very worthwhile. Sure the assignments will consume your life, but
overall, this class’s material is invaluable. Go to class! This was a
great class to be a part of./ Gooch is a decent prof but often not as
prepared as he should be. TAs are lazy when it come to grading./ Fun
and easy might be Bruce’s mantra, but the easy part is somewhat
debatable. It’s a lot of work—you can’t start your assignments the
night before and expect to get them done. Class requires good time
management for students. It is fun but not and easy A./ Bruce is a
great guy, but not the most organized. Very laid back (about grading,
schedules, etc.)./ Gooch is a very nice guy, but doesn’t seem too
interested in the subject. The course was very disorganized and
lectures were hard to get through. Oh yeah, assignments were awful./
Not that bad.
My main interest before taking | My main reason for taking | My class | My school |
Response Rate: 16/37 | | Response Rate: 16/37 | Response Rate: 16/37 |
6 - Very High | 12% | 5 | 50% | 4 | 25% | 3 | 12% | 2 | 0% | 1 - Very Low | 0% |
| Distribution | 6% | Major | 75% | Minor | 12% | Elective | 6% | Other | 0% | None | 6% |
| Freshman | 44% | Sophomore | 44% | Junior | 6% | Senior | 0% | Grad | 6% | Other | 0% |
| KGSM | 0% | SESP | 0% | Medill | 0% | WCAS | 19% | Music | 0% | Commun | 6% | McCormick | 75% | Graduate School | 0% | Summer Session | 0% | SCS | 0% |