Assignment 10 – GO: the extra mile
1 Design, Build and Test
2 Design, Build and Test
3 Design, Build and Test
4 Design, Build and Test

Assignment 10 – GO: the extra mile


Due This is a list of extra credit tasks. If you decide to work on any of these tasks, you can demonstrate your work during your final code walk.

1 Design, Build and Test

Implement a Graphical User Interface (GUI) player. Your player should launch some graphical interface that displays the current state of the board and any other information that a human player needs to particiapte in the game. The graphical interface should also come with appropriate input forms so that the human player can enter their name and moves. For moves, an alternative is to allow a point-and-click apporach where the human player clicks on the intersection where they want to place a stone or on a button for a pass. Of course, your GUI player should implement the same interface as any other player in the game. In particular it should be possible to use the GUI player as a default local player or as the actual player of a remote player for a tournament without changes to the tournament’s implementation.The Model-View-Controller design pattern is a good starting point for approaching the design of GUI applications.

2 Design, Build and Test

Implement a GUI tournament obesrver. Such a graphical interface should display any information about the tournament so that a human observer can follow the tournament: the mode of the tournament, the active and eliminated players, the current standings, the games that have been played so far and their outcomes, the games that are left to be played, the current game status and the moves of each player in the current game.

3 Design, Build and Test

Create an inteligent player by implementing a GO AI algorithm. The AI of GO is its own research subfield, dubbed Computer GO, and there are plenty of freely available resources that describe various approaches to the problem of deciding a favorable next move for a player. Feel free to implement any approach you want as long as: (i) you do not change the interface of player nor the communication protocol with remote players and (ii) your approach returns an answer within 30 seconds.

4 Design, Build and Test

Create an inteligent player by outsourcing the AI bits to Fuego. Please make sure that you do not change the interface of player nor the communication protocol with remote players.