EECS 349 Fall 2010 Final Projects
Determination of Required Surface EMG Sample Rate for Pattern Recognition Myoelectric Control
What's Hot? Predicting the Reddit Front Page
Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Streaming Data
Sentiment Prediction using Decision Tree Algorithms
Twitter Predictor
Extraction of Gaussian Color Models for Texture Images
Enhancing Wikipedia Tables by Adding New 'Interesting' Columns
Learning to Pluralize the Arabic Noun with a Self-Training Paradigm
Anger Detection
Predicting Covering NCAA Football Spreads
Fair Laptop Price Valuation
Understanding the NEWS Reports: A ML Classifier and Analysis
Text-Independent Speaker Recognition in Social Media
Skin Color Detection in Images and Video
User Annoyance Determination Using Machine Learning Algorithms
An Artificially Intelligent Spades Game
Clustering Approach to Instrument Identification
A Collaborative Filtering Approach to Rapid Audio Equalizer Personalization
Incomplete Text Predictor
Taboo Topics at the New York Times
Enhancing Wikipedia-Based Semantic Relatedness Measures through Machine Learning
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms
Oscar Prediction System
Predicting the Emergence of Scientific Sub-fields
Decision Tree Modeling of First Reactions in Heads-Up No Limit Hold'em Poker
Turkey Twist
Learning to Determine Success of Spacecraft Launches