EECS 349 Project Proposal
Due 11:59PM Thursday, Feb 6
The project proposals should be a one-page PDF file and should cover the following
four points:
- What task will you address, and why is it interesting? You want to make this convincing,
so spend about two paragraphs on this.
- How will you acquire your data? This proposal is intended to serve as a sanity check that your project
is doable -- so if you're inventing a new data set, be as specific as possible here.
- Which features will you use for your task?
- What will your initial approach be? I.e., what data pre-processing will you do,
which ML techniques (decision trees, nearest neighbor, etc.) will you try first, and how
will you evaluate your success?
You will submit a single proposal as a group in Blackboard. Follow these steps in Blackboard to set up your group:
- Click Course Project Groups on the left panel.
- Click View Sign-up Sheet to Join a Group
- You can see the list of students who have join the groups. Join a group (Note : Make sure to join the group that your other project members have already joined)