EECS 349 Problem Set 3

Due 11:59PM Tuesday, Feb 18

v1.0 Thu Feb 6 18:14:13 CDT 2014


Answer clearly and concisely. Some questions ask you to "describe a data set." These data sets can be completely abstract creations. Often it will help to draw a picture. Your argument doesn't have to be rigorously formal but it should be convincing. To give you an idea of what we're looking for, consider the following sample question:

Sample Question: With continuous attributes, nearest-neighbor sometimes outperforms decision trees. Describe a data set in which nearest neighbor is likely to outperform decision trees.
Sample Answer: Consider a data set with two continuous attributes x1 and x2 which lie between 0 and 1, where the target function is "return 1 if x2 > x1, and 0 otherwise." Decision trees must attempt to approximate the separating line x1 = x2 using axes-parallel lines (a "stair-step" function), which will require many distinct splits. Thus, decision trees will be inefficient at both training and test time, and could be inaccurate if there isn't enough data to generate enough splits to approximate the separating line x1=x2 well. On the other hand, the lines of the Voronoi diagram in nearest neighbor can be parallel or nearly parallel to the separating line x1 = x2, so with a reasonable number of training examples we would expect NN to approximate the target function well.

This sample answer is not mathematically precise, but it is plausible and demonstrates that the writer knows the key concepts about each approach.


The questions are worth 10 points total.

    Nearest Neighbor, Decision Trees, Neural Networks (3 points)

  1. (2 points) Consider learning each of the four target functions given below. For three of these functions, ONE of Nearest Neighbor, Decision Trees, or Neural Networks is likely to perform best. For each of those three tasks, state which algorithm is best and briefly (1-2 sentences) state why. For the remaining function, NONE of the learning algorithms is likely to perform well. For this task, state why none of the algorithms will perform well. All concepts are defined over binary inputs x1,...x100 and binary output y. The expression -x5 means "not x5".
    1. y = (x1 ^ x3 ^ -x7) or (x45 ^ -x67 ^ x90), and the other attributes are random noise. The training data has 10,000 examples.
    2. For y=1, for each example each xi is independently randomly generated as: xi=1 with probability 0.55, and xi=0 with probability 0.45. For y=0, the probabilities are flipped: P(xi=0)=0.55 and P(xi=1)=0.45. The training data has only 100 examples.
    3. y = 1 iff the number of xi's equal to 1 is odd. The training data has 10,000 examples.
    4. y = 1 iff x3 + x5 + x20 + x21 - x22 + x88*x99 - x7*x8/(x3 + 0.1) > 0. The training data has 10,000 examples.
  2. (1 point) Give a data set for which 3-nearest neighbors is likely to perform better than 1-nearest neighbor.
  3. Perceptrons (1 point)

  4. (1 point) Draw a perceptron (with weights) that has two binary inputs A and B and that computes A NAND B. That is, the perceptron outputs 0 if A=B=1, and 1 otherwise.
  5. Optimization (3 points)

  6. (0.5 points) What's the key ingredient in GAs that distinguishes it from local beam search?
  7. (2.5 points) Give an example of three optimization problems, where for each one there is one approach that's clearly preferable from the set of: Genetic Algorithms, Gradient Descent, and Hill Climbing. State which approach is best for each problem, and why. Note, for this question, you can choose in each case whether the function to be optimized is known in mathematical form to the algorithm. (2.5 points)
  8. Bayes Nets and Statistical Estimation

  9. Consider six binary variables related to scoring well on an exam: G (got a good night's sleep), S (studied a lot), I (find the material interesting), E (exam is easy), A (got an A on exam), R (recommend class to friends at end of quarter).
    1. (1 point) Draw a Bayes Net representing this situation. There are multiple different reasonable networks for this domain. You should try to exploit conditional independencies and end up with relatively few edges.
    2. (0.25 points) What is the minimum number of probabilities you would need in order to specify all the conditional probability tables for your Bayes Net?
    3. (0.25 points) How many probabilities would you need to specify for the full joint distribution over the six variables?
    4. (0.5 points) Using your network, is E (whether the exam is easy) independent of G (whether you got a good night's sleep) when we are not given the value of any other variables? In a sentence, justify why or why not.
    5. (0.5 points) Using your network, assume we know A = true (you got an A on the exam). Is E conditionally independent of G given A? In a sentence, say why or why not.
  10. Consider the Bayes Net pictured below.
    1. (0.25 point) What is P(C)? Show your work (hint: this should be about two lines of math).
    2. (0.25 point) Suppose that the network was computed from maximum likelihood estimates over a data set of ten examples. Suppose we then see two more examples with A=1. What will be the new maximum likelihood estimate for P(A)?

  11. Version History
    1.0 Thu Feb 6 18:14:13 CDT 2014 Initial version.