Final Project:
maze view
Solving Mazes with Genetic Programming
Forrest Sondahl
CS 460: Multi-Agent Modeling (2005)
Northwestern University

UPDATE, 3/25/2010: The model files found on this site were written for an old version of NetLogo (3.0). So here's an updated zip file where the models have been ported to NetLogo 4.1.


The goal of this project was two-fold: 

The two models both employ genetic programming to solve mazes.  In the first, "Genetic Programming Maze Marchers", we seek to develop walking directions for agents to solve a particular maze.  In the second, "Genetic Programming Maze Rules", we seek to develop movement rules which are applicable to solving mazes in general.  More information on each of these models is available on their web pages, or if you download the models you can view it in the Information Tab.
  1. Genetic Progamming Maze Marchers
  2. Genetic Programming Maze Rules   
  3. Maze Files Required by the Models Above
  4. Genetic Programming Maze Maker (download link only)
  5. Genetic Programming Demo
For information regarding the development of this project, the design decisions that were made, the various difficulties encountered along the way, and the "evolution" of the project itself, the following chronology should prove useful:

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Created by:  Forrest Sondahl
Personal web page: