;; -*- Mode: Lisp; -*- ;;;; Pattern matcher for algebraic manipulation systems ;;; Last edited 1/6/05, by KDF ;;; Copyright (c) 1993, Kenneth D. Forbus, Northwestern University, ;;; and Johan de Kleer, the Xerox Corporation. ;;; All rights reserved. ;;; See the file legal.txt for a paragraph stating scope of permission ;;; and disclaimer of warranty. The above copyright notice and that ;;; paragraph must be included in any separate copy of this file. ;;; This version is inspired by one of G.J. Sussman's scheme matchers. ;;; We eschew continuation-passing, for clarity. ;;; There are two kinds of variables. ;;; Element variables match a single element of a list. ;;; Segment variables match a (perhaps empty) piece of a list. ;;; Element variables are (? ) ;;; where is a symbol, and the restriction is a one-place ;;; procedure which returns non-nil if the binding satisfies it. ;;; Segment variables are like element variables, but start with ??. (in-package :cl-user) ;;; The entry point is MATCH, which takes a pattern, an expression, ;;; and an alist of bindings. ;;; ;;; Examples: ;;; > (match '(apple (? x)) '(apple bar)) ;;; ((X bar)) ;;; ;;; > (match '(apple (? x)) '(bananna bar)) ;;; :fail ;;; (defun match (pat dat &optional (dict nil)) "Take a single pattern and data, and return any matches based on the pattern. Dictionary contains list of bindings." (cond ((eq dict :fail) :fail) ;; Propagate lossage ((eq pat dat) dict) ((element-var? pat) (match-element-var pat dat dict)) ((not (consp pat)) (if (equal? pat dat) dict :fail)) ((segment-var? (car pat)) (match-segment-var pat dat dict)) ((not (consp dat)) :fail) (t (match (cdr pat) (cdr dat) (match (car pat) (car dat) dict))))) (defun match-element-var (pat dat dict &aux entry pred) "Match single element pattern variable to given data, using the bindings in dictionary. Returns either :fail or updated binding dictionary." (setq entry (lookup-var pat dict)) (cond (entry (if (equal? (cadr entry) dat) dict :fail)) (t (setq pred (var-restriction pat)) (cond ((or (not pred) (funcall pred dat)) (bind-element-var (var-name pat) dat dict)) (t :fail))))) (defvar *tol* 1.0e-6 "Level of tolerance for number comparison using EQUAL?") (defun equal? (a b) "Are two values equal or (in the case of real numbers, approximate?" (cond ((and (floatp a) (floatp b)) (< (abs (- a b)) *tol*)) (t (equal a b)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Finding matches for segment variables ;; This is non-deterministic, hence requires iteration. (defun match-segment-var (pat dat dict &aux entry rest) "Given sequence pattern variable, attempt matching. Returns either bindings or :fail." (setq entry (lookup-var (car pat) dict)) (cond (entry ;; check for match (setq rest (check-segment dat (segment-beg entry) (segment-end entry))) (if (eq rest :fail) :fail (match (cdr pat) rest dict))) (t ;; Search for alternate segment bindings (try-segment-bindings (car pat) (cdr pat) dat dict)))) (defun check-segment (dat beg end) "Returns non-nil if dat contains same item sequence as given by beginning and ending list pointers." (cond ((eq beg end) dat) ((not (consp dat)) :fail) ((equal? (car dat) (car beg)) (check-segment (cdr dat) (cdr beg) end)) (t :fail))) (defun try-segment-bindings (var pat dat dict &aux name pred beg) "Iterate over binding dictionary to find matches." (setq name (var-name var) pred (var-restriction var) beg dat) (do ((end dat (cdr end)) (ndict nil)) ((null end) (cond ((or (null pred) (funcall pred (segment->list beg nil))) (match pat nil ;; Try the very end (bind-segment-var name beg nil dict))) (t :fail))) (when (or (null pred) (funcall pred (segment->list beg end))) (setq ndict (match pat end (bind-segment-var name beg end dict))) (unless (eq ndict :fail) (return-from try-segment-bindings ndict))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Defining variables (defun pattern-variable? (x) "True if x is a pattern variable." (or (element-var? x) (segment-var? x))) (defun element-var? (x) "True if X is a pattern variable representing only a single element." (and (consp x) (eq (car x) '?))) (defun segment-var? (x) "True if X is a pattern variable representing a sequence of elements." (and (consp x) (eq (car x) '??))) (defun var-name (x) "Given pattern variable X, return variable name as sumbol." (cadr x)) (defun var-restriction (x) "Given pattern variable X, return restriction as a predicate function name that can be called on a matched element or sequence." (caddr x)) ;; Dictionary entries take the form ;; ( ), where is NIL if an element ;; variable, and ( . ) if a segment variable. ;; Accessing entries (defun lookup-var (var dict) "Look up pattern variable in dictionary." (assoc (var-name var) dict)) (defun var-value (var dict &aux entry) "Return value of pattern variable in dictionary." (setq entry (lookup-var var dict)) (unless entry (error "Not bound variable: ~A, ~A." var dict)) (cond ((= (length entry) 2) (cadr entry)) ;; element variable (t (segment->list (cadr entry) (caddr entry))))) (defun segment-beg (entry) (cadr entry)) (defun segment-end (entry) (caddr entry)) (defun segment->list (start end) (do ((point start (cdr point)) (l nil)) ((eq point end) (nreverse l)) (push (car point) l))) ;; Updating dictionaries (defun bind-element-var (name dat dict) (cons (list name dat) dict)) (defun bind-segment-var (name beg end dict) (cons (list name beg end) dict)) ;; Performing substitutions (defun substitute-in (exp dict) (cond ((null exp) nil) ((element-var? exp) (var-value exp dict)) ((consp exp) (cond ((segment-var? (car exp)) (append (var-value (car exp) dict) (substitute-in (cdr exp) dict))) ((eq (car exp) :eval) (eval (substitute-in (cadr exp) dict))) ((and (consp (car exp)) (eq (caar exp) :splice)) (append (substitute-in (cadar exp) dict) (substitute-in (cdr exp) dict))) (t (cons (substitute-in (car exp) dict) (substitute-in (cdr exp) dict))))) (t exp)))