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David: The Academic Drifter

It seems that, as a student, I have had trouble staying at one school for very long. Before college, I attended four different elementary schools, one junior high school, and one high school. Then I went to the University of Oregon as a music major before moving on to the University of Washington. Finally, I started graduate school at the University of Chicago before finishing at Northwestern. I think I am now ready to settle down in one place for good.

The week after my final move (to Northwestern) was finalized, I presented a research paper at the year's main Artificial Intelligence conference. My last slide, offered with no comment or explanation, read:

Alert readers may have noticed that, while the conference program states that I am from the University of Chicago, my introductory slide suggests my allegiance to Northwestern University. This is because the Intelligent Information Laboratory has moved to Northwestern, and I have moved with it. All parties involved are excited to see what this new research team will produce.

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