

  1. What Is an Actuator?
  2. How To Call Actuators
  3. What Happens If an Actuator's Value Is Not Set During a Think Cycle?

What Is an Actuator?

An actuator is the mechanism by which the user can control a specific aspect of the bot's movement or actions. For example, the programmer can instruct the bot to turn at a certain speed by making a call to the do_rotation() actuator while passing the desired turning speed as an argument. On every think cycle, the programmer has an opportunity to call any or all of the available actuators, thereby affecting the bot's in-game actions.

How To Call Actuators

The following actuators are available to the user:

What Happens If an Actuator's Value Is Not Set During a Think Cycle?

In the implementation provided by the BotBehavior workspace, if an actuator is not called during a think cycle the FlexBot will continue the action from the previous think cycle. That is to say, if do_shoot(TRUE) is called in one think cycle but do_shoot() is never called in the next think cycle, the bot will continue to depress the trigger until do_shoot(FALSE) is called. This is not a requirement, but simply a detail of the implementation provided in the BotBehavior workspace. There are ten actuators available to the user.