My show actually started at ETC, where
Doug was giving a talk on simulation and learning in games. The training
and military metaphors blended right into the actual expo.
I find the FPS war titles
spooky. I read Enders Game, too, you know. Some of my favorite things
from this year's display: the objectives from Shell Shocked (basically
kill kill kill kill.. oh, and find some stuff if you want), and the 12
year old working the America's Army booth.
I also find the cops
titles kind of creepy. At The Shield stand, all the booth operators were
demoing a "twist his arm and then bash his head" move (is there a name
for this in the law enforcement community?).
Despite the overtly
heterosexual posters, the whole scene had a homoerotic vibe. At each
controller, a pair of guys giggled and cheered as the muscle-bound hero
kneed crooks from behind. |
And what is up with the
eyes on this guy's avatar? Gah!
Japanese titles still
rocked my world - looks and gameplay (novel AND tried-but-true). And it
was SO cool to see Katamari being localized for US shipping. GO GO GO
Odama, the
military-strategy pinball game was probably my favorite of the show.
Totally odd, really problematic in some ways, but there's a lot of cool
potential. You manipulate your soldiers and objects in the field to make
opportunities for ball movement and troop movement. The goal is to
defeat the war god guy at the back of the screen. How nifty! |
Overall, the simple interfaces for games in the
Nintendo booth (even when they required possessing multiple
characters or making noise to do platform jumps and combat)
were refreshing compared to some other offerings. Many games
lost me with bad UI, disparate/unnecessary game elements, or
stiff designs.
Zelda 4 Swords |
Geist |
Donkey Konga |
There were exceptions to
the Japanese/Nintendo = good rule. Metal Gear's latest was
philosophical, as usual - but felt tedious to play. Watching crocodiles turn into food units didn't do it for me. Viewtiful Joe 2 was also disappointing. It felt just like more of the same, and was still tuned to be too difficult for a show floor setting.
But check out the info
sheets on the Tabula Rasa displays. Heads up, brah! Your Chi is
falling!! |