Ionut Trestian   
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Northwestern University
Room 2-221, Ford Engineering Design Center
2133 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL, 60208
Phone: +1-847-467-4708
Email: ionut AT northwestern DOT edu
  What's new
- I have spent the Summer of 2011 as a SDE Intern in the Microsoft Windows Azure product group where I was involved in the development of the logging, reporting, and analytics infrastructure for the Azure CDN.

- I am involved on the technical side with Lockboxer that is a great service for managing your possessions and connecting you to services that make it easy to donate, inventory, price, and sell your stuff. Check out the Lockboxer blog where I occasionally write pieces.

- Our research attracts commercial interest: Netsnapper. Also check our recent related INFOCOM 2011 paper.
- WindRider has been mentioned in the Federal Communications Commission's report and in several research papers.
- WindRider currently functions on M-Lab and has been mentioned here, and here, by Google here, and by Vodafone here with regards to mobile broadband measurement.
- Among others, I am currently working on WindRider. Check it out and drop me a line if interested.

- I was part of the ACM SIGMETRICS 2010 Shadow Program Committee.
- I was part of the EuroSys 2010 Shadow Program Committee.
I am a PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University since September 2007. I work in the Northwestern Networks Group with Prof. Aleksandar Kuzmanovic. Prior to joining Northwestern, I worked as a Software Engineer at Fortech, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. My undergraduate degree comes from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Romania. At TU Cluj-Napoca I worked as a Research and Teaching Assistant with Prof. Octavian Cret.

  Curriculum Vitae and Research Statement
[Curriculum Vitae]
[Research Statement]
PhD, Computer Science, Northwestern University, Current.
MS, Computer Science, Northwestern University, June, 2009.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Engineering, TU of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June, 2007.
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering (honors), TU of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June, 2005.
  Industry Experience
Software Development Intern, Microsoft Windows Azure, Redmond, Washington (June, 2011 - September, 2011).
Research Intern, Internet Group - Telefonica Research, Barcelona, Spain (June, 2010 - September, 2010).
Research Intern, Internet Group - Telefonica Research, Barcelona, Spain (June, 2009 - September, 2009).
Research Intern, Narus Inc. - now part of Boeing, Mountain View, CA (June, 2008 - September, 2008).
Software Engineer, Fortech , Cluj-Napoca, Romania (July, 2006 - September, 2007).
  Research Interests
"It has bothered me all my life that I do not paint like everybody else." - Henri Matisse

I work in Computer Networks. Lately, I have focused on:
  • Understanding the social behavior of Internet users, e.g. what applications and protocols they use and how this differs across the world and across network address ranges.
  • Traffic classification. Making things as simple as possible. Telling very fast what some traffic is all about (using for example publicly available IP addresses of known services) for better focus of the more complicated techniques.
  • Understanding interests of social network users, developing simple techniques that based on activity patterns would highlight the topics that a user is interested in.


  • P2P as a CDN: A New Service Model for File Sharing
    A. Mondal, I. Trestian, Z. Qin, and A. Kuzmanovic
    In Journal of Computer Networks, To appear
    [ .html ]

    [ First review and response | Second review and response ]

  • Taming the Mobile Data Deluge with Drop Zones
    I. Trestian, S. Ranjan, A. Kuzmanovic, and A. Nucci
    In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, To appear
    An extended version of the INFOCOM 2011 paper.
    [ .pdf]

    [ First review and response]

  • Googling the Internet: Profiling Internet Endpoints via the World Wide Web
    I. Trestian, S. Ranjan, A. Kuzmanovic, and A. Nucci
    In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 18 Number 2, 2010
    An extended version of the SIGCOMM 2008 paper.
    [ .pdf]

    [ First review and response] [ Second review and response]

  • Accelerating The Computation of The Physical Parameters Involved
    in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Using FPGA Devices
    O. Cret, I. Trestian, F. De Dinechin, L. Darabant, R. Tudoran and L. Vacariu
    in Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Volume 10 Number 4, 2007
    [ .pdf]

  • Conferences

  • TailGate: Handling long-tail content with a little help from friends
    S. Traverso, K. Huguenin, I. Trestian, V. Erramilli, N. Laoutaris, and K. Papagiannaki
    In Proceedings of WWW 2012, Lyon, France, April, 2012
    12% acceptance rate
    [ .pdf  |   .ppt]

  • Taming User-Generated Content in Mobile Networks via Drop Zones
    I. Trestian, S. Ranjan, A. Kuzmanovic, and A. Nucci
    In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2011,Shanghai, China, April 2011.
    16% acceptance rate
    [ .pdf   | .ppt ]

    [ Review SIGCOMM 2010] [ Review IMC 2010] [ Review INFOCOM 2011]

  • Measuring Serendipity: Connecting People, Locations and Interests in a Mobile 3G Network
    I. Trestian, S. Ranjan, A. Kuzmanovic, and A. Nucci
    In Proceedings of the USENIX/ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference,
    Chicago, IL, November, 2009
    22% acceptance rate
    [.pdf   |   .ppt]

    [ Review SIGCOMM 2009] [ Review and response IMC 2009]

  • Unconstrained Endpoint Profiling (Googling the Internet)
    I. Trestian, S. Ranjan, A. Kuzmanovic, and A. Nucci
    In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, Seattle, WA, August, 2008
    12% acceptance rate
    [.pdf  |   .ppt]

    [ Review SIGCOMM 2008]

  • FPGA-Based Acceleration of the Computations Involved in
    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
    O. Cret, I. Trestian, F. De Dinechin, R. Tudoran, L. Cret and L. Vacariu
    In Proceedings of IEEE SPLCONF, Bariloche, Argentina, March, 2008
    [ .pdf]

  • Coexistance issues in the 2.4 GHz ISM band
    V. Uilecan, I. Trestian and T. Palade.
    In Proceedings of IEEE ICCP, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September, 2006

  • Workshops

  • Steps towards native IPv6 multicast: CastGate router with PIM-SM support
    T. Blaga, V. Dobrota, K. Steenhaut, I Trestian, and G. Lazar
    In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE LANMAN Workshop, Chania, Greece, September, 2005
    [ .pdf]

  • Posters

  • Understanding Human Movement Semantics:
    A Point of Interest Based Approach
    I. Trestian, K. Huguenin, L. Su, A. Kuzmanovic
    In Proceedings of WWW 2012, Lyon, France, April, 2012
    [ .pdf | poster ]

  • INRIA Technical Report available here.

  • FPGA-Based Computation of the Inductance of Coils Used
    for the Magnetic Stimulation of the Nervous System
    I. Trestian, O. Cret, L. Cret, L. Vacariu, R. Tudoran and F. De Dinechin
    In Proceedings of BIODEVICES, Funchal, Portugal, January, 2008.

  • INRIA Technical Report available here.

    Technical Reports

  • WYT: Optimized Consistency for Geo-Diverse Online Social Networks
    V. Erramilli, K. Huguenin, N. Laoutaris, and I. Trestian
    INRIA Technical Report available here.

Last modified: 11/22/2010 12:21PM CST