CS2500: Problem Set 10

Due: Tuesday, March 30 at 11:59 PM

This assignment is to be completed with the same partner as PS9.


Assignment goals:


Be sure to do Part I in a separate file from Parts II and III, as Part I must be submitted separately.

Part I
  1. Edit your game from PS8 according to your grader’s comments. Be sure to fix any and all problems that your grader has discovered, and add tests to detect those problems to your test suite.

    If your PS8 was perfect or nearly so, there is nothing to do for this problem; this problem does not count toward your Problem Set 1 grade. If it wasn’t perfect, fixing your game will allow you to recover up to 80% of the points lost on your PS8 grade.

  2. Edit your game from PS8 to take advantage of list abstractions such as map, filter, foldr, and build-list. Find at least two appropriate places to replace hand-written recursion with one of the list abstractions in Figure 57, using local if necessary.

Part II

Here is a data definition for a non-empty list:

;; A [NELof X] is one of:
;; -- (cons X empty)
;; -- (cons X [NELof X])

What is the template for processing a [NELof X]? Following the four template questions, we know that it must have a cond with two branches, but what should we use for the cond clause tests? Supposing that the argument is called a-nelox, (empty? a-nelox) will be false in both cases and (cons? a-nelox) will be true in both, so that doesn’t help. However, since both cases of the data definition are conses, we can safely use first and rest on them. So, we can check (empty? (rest a-nelox)) or (cons? (rest a-nelox)) to distinguish the two cases.

  1. Abstract the following two functions into a single function, f-est-num:

    ;; least : [NELof Number] -> Number
    ;; To determine the smallest number in nelon
    (define (least nelon)
        [(empty? (rest nelon)) (first nelon)]
        [else (if (< (first nelon) (least (rest nelon)))
                (first nelon)
                (least (rest nelon)))]))
    ;; greatest : [NELof Number] -> Number
    ;; To determine the largest number in nelon
    (define (greatest nelon)
        [(empty? (rest nelon)) (first nelon)]
        [else (if (> (first nelon) (greatest (rest nelon)))
                (first nelon)
                (greatest (rest nelon)))]))

    Redefine least and greatest in terms of the abstracted function f-est-num. (If you’ve pasted the original definitions into your file, you will have to comment out the original definitions in order to redefine them.)

    Test them with these lists:

    1. (list 5 4 18 11 6)
    2. (list 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)
    3. (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22)

    Why are greatest and least slow on the long lists?

    You can make both greatest and least faster by modifying f-est-num. Use local to give a name to the result of the recursive call. Test greatest and least again with the same inputs—both functions should now run quickly in all three cases.

  2. HTDP, Exercise 21.2.1

  3. There is no reason that f-est-num needs to be limited to non-empty lists of numbers. We might want to find the longest string in a [NELof String] or the image with the least area in a [NELof Image]. (Don’t worry about ties.)

    Design a function f-est, a generalization of f-est-num, that works for a [NELof X] for any class of data X. Be sure to write a correct general contract and purpose.

    Make sure that you can define functions longest-string and smallest-image, as described above, in terms of f-est.

Part III
  1. Extend the data definition of Problem Set 9, Part I so that we can represent the application of a user-defined function of one parameter to an expression, for example (f (- 5 1)) or (* 3 (g 2)). The application expression should be represented as a structure with two fields. The first field contains the name of the function, the second one the representation of the argument expression.

  2. A full-fledged evaluator can also deal with function definitions. Provide a structure definition and a data definition to represent function definitions. Recall that a function definition has three essential attributes:

    • the function’s name,
    • the parameter name, and
    • the function’s body.

    This suggests the introduction of a structure with three fields. The first two contain strings, the last a representation of the function’s body, which is an expression.

    Translate the following definitions into your representation:

    • (define (g x) (- 3 x))
    • (define (h x) (* 3 x))
    • (define (i u) (g (* 2 u)))
    • (define (j v) (- (* v v) (* v v)))
    • (define (k w) (* (h w) (j w)))
  3. Design a function lookup-def that takes a function name f and a list of function definitions defs. If there is a definition for a function named f defs, it returns that function. If there is no function with the requested name, it signals an error using error.

Turn In

Part I is to be submitted to a different hand-in server assignemnt than the other two parts. Please submit Part I (your game) to the assignment hw8-redo and Parts II and III (the other problems) to hw10. Follow the electronic homework submissions instructions for each.

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