Spelling correction, formalized

You are given:

Define the candidate set \(C = \{ w' \in \mathop{\mathrm{dom}} M \mid d(w, w') \le D \}\). Then the answer is given by:

\[\begin{cases} \mathsf{Correct} & \text{if $w \in \mathop{\mathrm{dom}} M$;} \\ \arg\max_{w' \in C} M(w') & \text{if $C$ is non-empty; or} \\ \mathsf{Incorrect} & \text{otherwise.} \\ \end{cases}\]

That suggests that one algorithm is to compute \(C\) (maybe one element at a time—you don’t need it all at once) and then maximize over it. So the question comes down to how to compute \(C\). The algorithm you get by literally translating the definition is something like:

    // Helper type for remembering the best word we've seen:
    struct SearchState {}

    impl SearchState {
        // Remembers `word` if `count` is larger than we've seen:
        fn evaluate(&mut self, word: &str, count: usize);

        // Returns the correction we've found:
        fn finish(self) -> Correction;

    if model.contains(w) {
        return Correction::Correct;

    let mut state = SearchState::new();

    for (good_w, count) in &model {
        if distance(w, good_w) <= MAX_DISTANCE {
            state.evaluate(good_w, count);


The above algorithm requires computing edit distances but not generating edits, which means any measure of word similarity is likely to work. The problem is that any algorithm that scans the entire model for each correction (and computes word similarity for each known word) is going to be too slow. Even half a second per word isn’t suitable for providing suggestions on the fly as you type.

So to make it faster, we need either another approach to generating \(C\), or something even cleverer. So let’s do some set theory. Suppose you have two sets \(A\) and \(B\). Then their intersection may be written a these three equivalent ways:

\[ \{ x \in A \mid x \in B \} = A \cap B = \{ x \in B \mid x \in A \}\,.\]

In other words, filtering \(A\) for the property of membership in \(B\) is the same as filtering \(B\) for membership in \(A\). In our case, the two sets whose intersection we’re interested in are:

We could compute \(E^n\{w\}\) by first defining a one-step edit function \(e: \mathrm{Word} \to \mathcal P(\mathrm{Word})\), which takes a word to the set of words one edit away, and then iterating \(e\) \(n\) times. Once you’d computed the set \(E^D\{w\}\), you could then filter by \(\mathop{\mathrm{dom}} M\). The main loop from above turns into something like this:

    let mut state = SearchState::new();

    for maybe_w in generate_edits(w, MAX_DISTANCE) {
        if let Some(count) = model.get(maybe_w) {
            state.evaluate(maybe_w, count);


So now I’ve outlined two approaches:

  1. Search the model \(M\), filtering by distance from \(w\), and maximize. (This requires defining \(d\) but not \(e\).)
  2. Search the set of edits \(E^D\{w\}\), filtering by presence in \(M\), and maximize. (This requires defining \(e\) but not \(d\).)

If your distance similarity measure (other than edit distance) doesn’t allow you to define \(e\) then you are limited to the first approach. But otherwise, which of these naïve approaches is better would depend a lot on which set is larger, \(E^D\{w\}\) or \(M\).

In order to go faster, you need to somehow prune one of those sets—to avoid ever generating portions of one set that are obviously not in the other. The way to do it is by using a different representation for the model \(M\). The naïve approach of using a hash table for \(M\) lets you find any particular word quickly, but it doesn’t do a thing to help with similar words. The organization of a hash table prevents you from exploiting locality (i.e., word similarity), but other data structures will help you:

Before we move on, let’s be clear what the magic trie operation is:

\[\cdot\,[\,\cdot\,]: \mathrm{Trie} \times \mathrm{Symbol} \rightharpoonup \mathrm{Trie}\]

The funny arrow means that the operation is partial. Given a trie \(T\) and symbol \(c\), then \(T[c]\) is defined only if \(T\) contains some word starting with \(c\). If it’s defined then \(T[c]\) is the subtrie \(T\) containing only the words starting with \(c\), and with the \(c\) removed. Or in math, \(T[c](w') = T(cw')\).

Now suppose you want to check some word \(w = c_0 c_1 \ldots c_n\). Instead of generating the entire set of edits \(E^D\{w\}\), we decompose it by what happens at the start of the word:

edit operation subset generated
insert \(c'\) \(\{ c' w' \mid w' \in E^{D-1}\{c_0c_1 \ldots c_n\} \}\)
change to \(c'\) \(\{ c' w' \mid w' \in E^{D-1}\{c_1 \ldots c_n\} \}\)
transpose \(\{ c_1c_0 w' \mid w' \in E^{D-1}\{c_2 \ldots c_n\} \}\)
delete \(E^{D-1}\{c_1\ldots c_n\}\)
none (edit later) \(\{ c_0 w' \mid w' \in E^D\{c_1 \ldots c_n\} \}\)

In other words, either some kind of edit will happen at the beginning of the word (with one fewer edits later) or it won’t happen at the beginning (with all the edits later). Each of these cases is checkable using a trie. Here are three cases:

Observe that in each case where we recur either \(D\) or \(w\) gets smaller, which guarantees termination.