EECS 111: Homework 7

Due: Tuesday, May 28 at 11:59 PM

This assignment is to be completed with the same partner as Homework 6.


To design a complex program from start to finish.

Design & Code Style

Good design and good style are essential, as always. The same rules as before still apply, but now we expect more. In addition to following the six-step Design Recipe, you should be seeking opportunities to replace repetitive code with abstractions. Don’t just write code that works—write code that’s easy to read and easy to understand.


You should have a design document from Homework 6. Please paste your design document in a #| |# comment at the end of your new .rkt file. If the actual design in your code diverges from the design in your design document—and it will!—you will need to update the design document that you include in your submission to reflect the changes.

Your assignment is to implement the space shooter game that you specified for HW6 using ISL (or ISL+λ). We have provided playable example games for Windows, Mac, and Linux/x86 (32 bit or 64 bit). (We think that should cover everyone, but if not, please let us know.)

You may reuse any code that you have seen in lecture. However, if you do so, you must comment each function from lecture to tell us where you got it. If you start with some code from lecture and modify it, that requires citation as well.

We don’t require you to implement every feature in our prototype. At minimum:

You may implement enhancements as you wish, provided that they don’t significantly impair the game play as described above. For example:

What you do is not limited to the above. There may be a small amount of extra credit available for games that impress our graders; keep in mind, however, that extra features won’t make up for the basic game play being broken.

You must include, in a comment at the top of the file, instructions on how to start your game. This should be something short, like (run GAME0), rather than something long involving big-bang. Grading will be done primarily by playing the game, so we recommend that you turn in code that runs and is somewhat playable.

Good luck and have fun!

Turn In

Write your program in one .rkt file. Be sure to list both partners’ names and email addresses in a comment at the top. Then submit your file through Canvas.