On this page:
7.1 Syntax
7.2 Dynamic semantics
7.3 Static semantics
7.3.1 Syntax of types
7.3.2 The types of constants
7.3.3 Instantiation and entailment
7.3.4 Syntax-directed typing
7.4 Type inference algorithm
7.5 Evidence translation

7 Qualified types

In the previous lecture, we saw how ML infers types for programs that lack type annotations. In this lecture, we see how to extend ML with a principled form of overloading, similar to how it appears in Haskell and Rust. In particular, we will extend type schemes to a form , where is a logical formula over types that must be satisfied to use a value having that type scheme.

7.1 Syntax

Our language includes the usual variables, lambda abstractions, applications, and let from ML, as well as some constants, a condition form, and pairs:

The constants include integers, and functions for projecting from pairs, subtraction, equality, and less-than:

7.2 Dynamic semantics

Values include constants, lambdas, and pairs of values:

Evaluation contexts are standard, performing left-to-right evaluation for applications and pairs:

We give a reduction relation that includes rules for application and let, two rules for if0 (true and false), and delta, which handles applications of constants by delegating to a metafunction:

The metafunction gives the results for applying constants to values:

Note that the functions represented by constants are uncurried, taking pairs of values—this simplifies our presentation somewhat.

7.3 Static semantics

As in ML the static semantics assigns prenex type schemes to let-bound values, but type schemes now have an additional component. The syntax of types is as follows.

7.3.1 Syntax of types

Monotypes include type variables, the base type , product types, and function types:

To represent overloading, we define a fixed set of type classes , which are used to construct predicates on types :

For any type , the predicate means that type supports equality, and the predicate means that type supports less-than. In a real system, the set of type classes (and thus the possible predicates) would be extensible by the user.

A predicate context is a collection of predicates:

Then a qualified type is a monotype qualified by some predicate context:

Then a type scheme is a qualified type generalized over some quantified set of type variables:

For example, type scheme describes a function that takes (curried) two arguments of any type supporting equality and returns an integer.

As in ML, typing environments map variable names to type schemes:

7.3.2 The types of constants

We can now define the metafunction, which gives type schemes for the constants:

Note that and are overloaded.

7.3.3 Instantiation and entailment

Before we can give our main typing relation, we need two auxiliary judgments. The first, as in ML, relates a type scheme to its instantiations as qualified types:

The second relation is entailment for predicate contexts. This is not strictly necessary (and omitted from Jones’s paper), but allows us to make predicate contexts smaller when they are redundant. The first two rules rule say that a predicate context entails itself and that entailment is transitive.

The next rule says that we can remove duplicate predicates from a context:

The next two rules say that integers support equality and ordering, and that fact need not be recorded in the context to prove it:

Finally, equality works on pairs if it works on both components of the pair:

7.3.4 Syntax-directed typing

The typing judgment is of the form , where gives constraints on the types in . Even though it appears on the left, should be thought of as an out-parameter.

The rule for typing a variable says to look up its type scheme in the environment and then instantiate the bound variables of the type scheme. The predicate context from the instantiated type scheme becomes the predicate context for the judgment:

Typing a constants is substantially the same, except we get its type scheme using the metafunction:

The rules for lambda abstractions, applications, conditionals, and pairs, as the same as they would be in ML, except that we thread through and combine the predicate contexts:

Finally, the let rule is where the action is:

First we type , which produces a predicate context . Then we apply the entailment relation to reduce to a context that entails it, . (This step can be omitted, but it reflects the idea that we probably want to simplify predicate contexts before including them in type schemes.) Then we build a type scheme by generalizing all the type variables in and that do not appear in , and bind that in the environment to type . Note that the resulting predicate context for the judgment is only , the constraints required by , since the constraints required by are carried by the resulting type scheme.

Alternatively, we could split the predicates of (or ) into those relevant to , which we would package up in the type scheme, and those irrelevant to , which we would propogate upward.

Exercise 53. Use Haskell’s type classes to implement bijections between the natural numbers and lists.

To get started, install ghc (and be sure that QuickCheck is installed, perhaps by issuing the command cabal install quickcheck). Put your code in XEnum.hs and use ghc -o XEnum XEnum.hs && ./XEnum to run your code.

Because Haskell is whitespace-sensitive, copying code from webpages is fraught; accordingly the declarations in the code below are all in XEnum.hs

Here are some declarations to get started, along with an explanation of them.


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Test.QuickCheck

import Numeric.Natural


class XEnum a where

  into  :: a -> Natural

  outof :: Natural -> a


instance XEnum Natural where

  into n = n

  outof n = n


The class declaration introduces a new predicate XEnum that supports two operations, into and outof. These are two functions that realize a bijection between the type a and the natural numbers.

The instance declaration says that the type Natural supports enumeration by giving the functions that translate from the naturals to the naturals (i.e., the identity function).

For our first substantial instance, fill in the into and outof functions to define a bijection between the natural numbers and the integers:

instance XEnum Integer where

  into x = error "not implemented"

  outof n = error "not implemented"

There is more than one way to do this, but it is also easy to make arithmetic errors when doing it. So we can use Quick Check to help find those errors. Add this declaration to the end of your program:

prop_inout :: (Eq a, XEnum a) => a -> Bool

prop_inout x = outof (into x) == x

main = quickCheck (prop_inout :: Integer -> Bool)

If you do not see output like +++ OK, passed 100 tests., then you have a bug in your bijections.

Once you have finished that, add the support for (disjoint) unions. To do that we need to assume we have two enumerable things and then we are going to add a bijection using the Either type:

instance (XEnum a , XEnum b) => XEnum (Either a b) where

  into (Left x)  = error "not implemented"

  into (Right x) = error "not implemented"

  outof n = error "not implemented"

The idea of this bijection is to use the odd numbers for either Left or Right values, and use the even numbers for the other. So we can embed two enumerable values into one. Also test this one with Quick Check, using prop_inout :: (Either Integer Natural) -> Bool.

Next up, pairs.

instance (XEnum a , XEnum b) => XEnum (a , b) where

  into (a , b) = error "not implemented"

  outof n = error "not implemented"

The formulas for these ones are more complex; I recommend using Szudzik’s “elegant” pairing function, found on page 8 of https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/68e8/7ad59107481bc3cfdf1669706fd0368cce60.pdf. Page 9 shows the geometric intuition for the bijection. To implement it, you will need an exact square root function; see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19965149/integer-square-root-function-in-haskell for two definitions.

Once you have that all working, define enumerations for lists.

instance XEnum a => XEnum [a] where

  into l = error "not implemented"

  outof n = error "not implemented"

Be aware that the formulas and the bijections you’ve built work only for infinite sets (i.e., the naturals, the integers, pairs of them, etc.) If you want to use these bijections on sets that are finite, you need to add a size operation:

data ENatural = Fin Natural | Inf


class XEnum a where

  into  :: a -> Natural

  outof :: Natural -> a

  size  :: ENatural

The size of an Either is the sum of the sizes and the size of a pair enumeration is the product of the sizes. Also note that the corresponding formulas will need adjustment to handle the case where one of sides is finite. If you get stuck trying to figure out the formulas, look in this paper: https://www.eecs.northwestern.edu/~robby/pubs/papers/jfp2017-nfmf.pdf,

7.4 Type inference algorithm

The above type system provides a satisfactory account of which terms type and which do not, but it does not give us an algorithm that we can actually run. In this section, we extend ML’s Algorithm W for qualified types.

First, we give a helper metafunction for instantiating a type scheme with fresh type variables:

Again we use unification. Because unification is applied to monotypes, it is the same as in ML (except now we have to handle product types as well):

Algorithm W for qualified types takes a type environment and a term, and returns a substitution, a type, and a predicate context: .

To infer the type of a variable or constant, we look up its type scheme (in the environment or the metafunction, respectively) and instantiate it with fresh type variables, yielding a qualified type . The is the type of the variable or constant, and is the predicate context that must be satisfied:

Lambda abstraction, application, pairing, and the conditional are as before, merely propagating and combining predicate contexts:

Note how substitutions must be applied to predicate contexts, just as we apply them to type environments and types.

Finally, the let rule follows the let rule from the previous section, packaging up the predicate context generated for in the type scheme assigned to . We (optionally) assume a metafunction that simplifies the predicate context before constructing the type scheme.

7.5 Evidence translation

Exercise 54. What is the most general type scheme of the term ?

How would you implement such a function—in particular, how does it figure out the equality for a generic/unknown type parameter? Well, our operational semantics cheated by relying on Racket’s underlying polymorphic equal? function. Racket’s equal? relies on Racket’s object representations, which include tags that distinguish number from Booleans from pairs, etc. But what about in a typed language that does not use tags and thus cannot support polymorphic equality?

One solution is called evidence passing, wherein using a qualified type requires passing evidence that it is inhabited, where this evidence specifies some information about how to perform the associated operations. In our type classes example, the evidence is the equality or less-than function specialized to the required type. (In a real evidence-passing implementation such as how Haskell is traditionally implemented, the evidence is a dictionary of methods.)

We can translate implicitly-typed λ-qual programs like the above into programs that pass evidence explicitly. We do this by typing them in an evidence environment, which names the evidence for each predicate:

We can use the evidence environment to summon or construct evidence if it’s available. In particular, the judgment uses evidence environment to construct , which is evidence of predicate . In particular, if is then should be an equality function of type ; if is then should be a less-than function of type .

For base type , the evidence is just a primitive function performing the correct operation:

For a product type, we summon evidence for each component type, and then construct the equality function for the product.

Other types are looked up in the evidence environment:

Note that if difference evidence appears for the same repeated predicate, then the behavior can be incoherent.

The evidence translation uses two more auxiliary judgments. The first is for applying a term that expect evidence to its expected evidence:

The second abstracts over the evidence expected by a term based on its context:

Four rules of the typing judgment are unremarkable, simply passing the evidence environment through and translating homomorphically:

The rules for variables and constants take a polymorphic value and apply it to the required evidence for any predicates contained in its qualified type, using the evidence application judgment:

The let form, as above, generalizes, by abstracting the right-hand side over evidence corresponding to its inferred evidence context:

Exercise 55. Rust uses monomorphization to implement generics and traits. It does this by duplicating polymorphic code, specializing it at each required type. Write a relation that formalizes monomorphization for describes λ-qual.