;;;;; Stateful Contracts for Affine Types ;;;;; Jesse Tov and Riccardo Pucella ;; This appears to require PLT Scheme ;; It doesn't work in 4.1.4. (Sorry.) ;; ;; A multi-language calculus with two type systems: ;; - Conventional simple types ("Conventional") ;; - Simple types with one-shot functions ("Affine") ;; The type systems mix at the level of modules -- that is, each module ;; is written in one language or the other, and there is a main expression ;; in the unlimited language. ;; ;; This models a slightly older version of the calculus than is ;; in the paper -- mainly, it doesn't have polymorphism. ;; #lang scheme (require redex) (require srfi/1) (require (for-syntax scheme/base stxclass)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Examples from the paper ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Try (check ex1) or (run ex1). ;; A Type-Correct Blame-Free Program (define ex1 (term (((module A (ap : ((int -1o int) -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (f : (int -1o int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x)))) (module A (inc : (int -+o int)) (lambda (y : int) ((ap (lambda (z : int) (succ z))) y)))) (inc 5)))) ;; An Ill-Typed A Module (type error) (define ex2 (term (((module A (ap : ((int -1o int) -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (f : (int -1o int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x)))) (module A (inc2 : (int -+o int)) (lambda (y : int) (let [g (ap (lambda (z : int) (succ z)))] (g (g y)))))) (inc2 5)))) ;; A Blameworthy C Module (blame inc2) (define ex3 (term (((module A (ap : ((int -1o int) -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (f : (int -1o int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x)))) (module C (inc2 : (int -> int)) (lambda (y : int) (let [g (ap (lambda (z : int) (succ z)))] (g (g y)))))) (inc2 5)))) ;; The C Module, Corrected (define ex4 (term (((module A (ap : ((int -1o int) -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (f : (int -1o int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x)))) (module C (inc2 : (int -> int)) (lambda (y : int) (let [g (ap (lambda (z : int) (succ z)))] (let [h (ap (lambda (z : int) (succ z)))] (h (g y))))))) (inc2 5)))) ;; A Call from A into C (define ex5 (term (((module C (ap : ((int -> int) -> (int -> int))) (lambda (f : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x)))) (module A (inc : (int -+o int)) (lambda (y : int) ((ap (lambda (z : int) (succ z))) y)))) (inc 5)))) ;; An Ill-Typed A-to-C Call (type error) (define ex6 (term (((module C (ap : ((int -> int) -> (int -> int))) (lambda (f : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x)))) (module A (inc : (int -+o int)) (lambda (y : int) ((lambda (g : (int -1o int)) ((ap g) y)) (lambda (z : int) (succ z)))))) (inc 5)))) ;; An Interface Module Intervenes (define ex7 (term (((module C (ap : ((int -> int) -> (int -> int))) (lambda (f : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x)))) (interface (iap :> ((int -1o int) -+o (int -1o int))) ap) (module A (inc : (int -+o int)) (lambda (y : int) ((lambda (g : (int -1o int)) ((iap g) y)) (lambda (z : int) (succ z)))))) (inc 5)))) ;; A Lying Interface Module (blame iap2) (define ex8 (term (((module C (ap2 : ((int -> int) -> (int -> int))) (lambda (f : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (f (f x))))) (interface (iap2 :> ((int -1o int) -+o (int -1o int))) ap2) (module A (inc : (int -+o int)) (lambda (y : int) ((lambda (g : (int -1o int)) ((iap2 g) y)) (lambda (z : int) (succ z)))))) (inc 5)))) ;; Syntax for the source languages. (define-language affine ;; A program (P (M ec)) ;; A declaration (M (m ...)) ;; Modules (m mc ;; conventional module ma ;; affine module mi) ;; interface module ;; Qualifiers (Q U A) ;; An interface module (mi (interface (f :> ta^u) f)) ;; The conventional language: (mc (module C (f : tc) vc)) (tc int (tc * tc) (tc -> tc) (ta^o aff)) (vc cc (cons vc vc) (lambda (x : tc) ec)) (ec vc x (ec ec) (if0 ec ec ec) (let [x ec] ec) (cons ec ec) (let [(cons x x) ec] ec)) (cc n pred succ -) ;; Bindings and environments (Bc (x : tc)) (Gc (Bc ...)) ;; The affine language (ma (module A (f : ta^u) va)) (ta ta^a ta^u) ;; Unlimited types (ta^u int (ta -+o ta) (ta^u * ta^u)) ;; Affine types (ta^a (ta ref) (ta -1o ta) (ta^a * ta) (ta * ta^a)) ;; Opaque types (ta^o (ta ref) (ta^a * ta) (ta * ta^a)) (-*o -+o -1o) (va ca (cons va va) (lambda (x : ta) ea)) (ea va x (ea ea) (if0 ea ea ea) (let [x ea] ea) (cons ea ea) (let [(cons x x) ea] ea)) (ca n pred succ - [new ta] [swap ta ta]) ;; Bindings and environments (Ba (x : ta)) (Ga (Ba ...)) ;; Common to both languages: ;; Variables / module names ((x y f g) variable-not-otherwise-mentioned) ;; Numeric constants (n number) ;; Partial orders are defined on Q and ta (PO Q ta) ;; Booleans (used as the result of some metafunctions) (boolean #t #f) ; Convenience: ;; Two kinds of arrows: (-* -o ->)) ;;;;; ;;;;; THE TYPE SYSTEM ;;;;; ;;; ;;; Types, subtyping, and environments ;;; ;; We define a lattice on qualifiers: ;; A ;; | ;; U (define-metafunction affine ta->Q : ta -> Q [(ta->Q ta^u) U] [(ta->Q ta^a) A]) ;; We define a partial order on types, which gives a subtyping relation ;; under which unlimited functions may be used where an affine function ;; is allowed/expected. (define-metafunction affine lub : PO PO -> PO ;; For ta: [(lub int int) int] [(lub (ta ref) (ta ref)) (ta ref)] [(lub (ta_1 * ta_2) (ta_3 * ta_4)) ((lub ta_1 ta_3) * (lub ta_2 ta_4))] [(lub (ta_1 -+o ta_2) (ta_3 -+o ta_4)) ((glb ta_1 ta_3) -+o (lub ta_2 ta_4))] [(lub (ta_1 -+o ta_2) (ta_3 -1o ta_4)) ((glb ta_1 ta_3) -1o (lub ta_2 ta_4))] [(lub (ta_1 -1o ta_2) (ta_3 -+o ta_4)) ((glb ta_1 ta_3) -1o (lub ta_2 ta_4))] [(lub (ta_1 -1o ta_2) (ta_3 -1o ta_4)) ((glb ta_1 ta_3) -1o (lub ta_2 ta_4))] ;; For Q: [(lub U U) U] [(lub Q_1 Q_2) A]) (define-metafunction affine glb : PO PO -> PO ;; For ta: [(glb int int) int] [(glb (ta ref) (ta ref)) (ta ref)] [(glb (ta_1 * ta_2) (ta_3 * ta_4)) ((glb ta_1 ta_3) * (glb ta_2 ta_4))] [(glb (ta_1 -+o ta_2) (ta_3 -+o ta_4)) ((lub ta_1 ta_3) -+o (glb ta_2 ta_4))] [(glb (ta_1 -+o ta_2) (ta_3 -1o ta_4)) ((lub ta_1 ta_3) -+o (glb ta_2 ta_4))] [(glb (ta_1 -1o ta_2) (ta_3 -+o ta_4)) ((lub ta_1 ta_3) -+o (glb ta_2 ta_4))] [(glb (ta_1 -1o ta_2) (ta_3 -1o ta_4)) ((lub ta_1 ta_3) -1o (glb ta_2 ta_4))] ;; For Q: [(glb A A) A] [(glb Q_1 Q_2) U]) ;; Our partial order's less-than relation gives subsumption: if (<: ta_1 ta_2) ;; then a term of type ta_1 may be used where ta_2 is expected. (define-metafunction affine <: : PO PO -> boolean [(<: PO_1 PO_2) ,(equal? (term PO_2) (term (lub PO_1 PO_2)))]) ;; We need to project affine types down to unlimited types, which gives us ;; the types that unlimited modules see when they refer to affine modules. (define-metafunction affine ta->tc : ta -> tc [(ta->tc int) int] [(ta->tc (ta_1 -*o ta_2)) ((ta->tc ta_1) -> (ta->tc ta_2))] [(ta->tc (ta^u_1 * ta^u_2)) ((ta->tc ta^u_1) * (ta->tc ta^u_2))] [(ta->tc ta^o) (ta^o aff)]) ;; We embed unlimited types back into affine types. (define-metafunction affine tc->ta : tc -> ta [(tc->ta int) int] [(tc->ta (tc_1 * tc_2)) ((tc->ta tc_1) * (tc->ta tc_2))] [(tc->ta (tc_1 -> tc_2)) ((tc->ta tc_1) -+o (tc->ta tc_2))] [(tc->ta (ta^o aff)) ta^o]) ;; Add a binding to a type environment. Removes any previous binding ;; for the same name, which makes lookup easier. (define-metafunction affine bindc : Bc Gc -> Gc [(bindc (x : tc) (Bc_1 ... (x : tc_o) Bc_2 ...)) (Bc_1 ... (x : tc) Bc_2 ...)] [(bindc (x : tc) (Bc_1 ...)) ((x : tc) Bc_1 ...)]) (define-metafunction affine binda : Ba Ga -> Ga [(binda (x : ta) (Ba_1 ... (x : ta_o) Ba_2 ...)) (Ba_1 ... (x : ta) Ba_2 ...)] [(binda (x : ta) (Ba_1 ...)) ((x : ta) Ba_1 ...)]) ;;; ;;; Decorating a program & run-time syntax ;;; ;; We add two kinds of decorations to source programs before we can ;; type-check and then reduce them: ;; - Sharing analysis adds sharing annotations to each lambda- or let-bound ;; variable in the A language indicating its usage. Qualifier A means that ;; variable can be given an affine type; U means it must be unlimited. ;; - Each variable occurence is annotated with the module in which it ;; statically resides, which gives the negative party when a contract is ;; applied there. We do it this way because we cannot at this stage ;; distinguish variables, native module calls, and foreign modules calls. ;; ;; On paper we consider these decorations to exist already. On paper, we ;; avoid sharing analysis by using non-deterministic context splitting. (define-extended-language affine-static affine (ea .... (var x [f]) (let [x[Q] ea] ea) (let [(cons x[Q] x[Q]) ea] ea)) (va .... (lambda (x[Q] : ta) ea)) (ec .... (var x [f])) ;; Environment for sharing analysis: (G/use ((x Q) ...))) ;; Decorating programs -- note that the type (P -> P) is deceptive -- ;; this ought to take an undecorated P and produce a decorated P. (define-metafunction affine-static decorate-program : P -> P [(decorate-program ((m ...) ec)) (((decorate-m m) ...) (decorate-ec *main* ec))]) ;; Decorate each kind of module: (define-metafunction affine-static decorate-m : m -> m [(decorate-m (module C (f : tc) vc)) (module C (f : tc) (decorate-ec f vc))] [(decorate-m (module A (f : ta) va)) ,(*term-let affine-static ([(G/use va_*) (term (decorate-ea f va))]) (term (module A (f : ta) va_*)))] [(decorate-m mi) mi]) (define-metafunction affine-static decorate-ec : f ec -> ec [(decorate-ec f ca) ca] [(decorate-ec f (lambda (x : tc) ec)) (lambda (x : tc) (decorate-ec f ec))] [(decorate-ec f x) (var x [f])] [(decorate-ec f (ec_1 ec_2)) ((decorate-ec f ec_1) (decorate-ec f ec_2))] [(decorate-ec f (if0 ec_1 ec_2 ec_3)) (if0 (decorate-ec f ec_1) (decorate-ec f ec_2) (decorate-ec f ec_3))] [(decorate-ec f (let [x ec_1] ec_2)) (let [x (decorate-ec f ec_1)] (decorate-ec f ec_2))] [(decorate-ec f (cons ec_1 ec_2)) (cons (decorate-ec f ec_1) (decorate-ec f ec_2))] [(decorate-ec f (let [(cons x y) ec_1] ec2)) (let [(cons x y) (decorate-ec f ec_1)] (decorate-ec f ec_2))]) ;; Let's just do both decorations in a single pass: (define-metafunction affine-static decorate-ea : f ea -> (G/use ea) [(decorate-ea f ca) (() ca)] [(decorate-ea f (lambda (x : ta) ea)) ,(*term-let affine-static ([(G/use_1 ea_*) (term (decorate-ea f ea))] [(G/use_2 Q) (term (<<->> G/use_1 x))])< (term (G/use_2 (lambda (x[Q] : ta) ea_*))))] [(decorate-ea f x) (((x A)) (var x [f]))] [(decorate-ea f (ea_1 ea_2)) ,(*term-let affine-static ([(G/use_1 ea_1*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_1))] [(G/use_2 ea_2*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_2))]) (term ((<<*>> G/use_1 G/use_2) (ea_1* ea_2*))))] [(decorate-ea f (if0 ea_1 ea_2 ea_3)) ,(*term-let affine-static ([(G/use_1 ea_1*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_1))] [(G/use_2 ea_2*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_2))] [(G/use_3 ea_3*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_3))]) (term ((<<*>> G/use_1 (<<+>> G/use_2 G/use_3)) (if0 ea_1* ea_2* ea_3*))))] [(decorate-ea f (let [x ea_1] ea_2)) ,(*term-let affine-static ([(G/use_1 ea_1*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_1))] [(G/use_2 ea_2*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_2))] [(G/use_2* Q) (term (<<->> G/use_2 x))]) (term ((<<*>> G/use_1 G/use_2*) (let [x[Q] ea_1*] ea_2*))))] [(decorate-ea f (cons ea_1 ea_2)) ,(*term-let affine-static ([(G/use_1 ea_1*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_1))] [(G/use_2 ea_2*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_2))]) (term ((<<*>> G/use_1 G/use_2) (cons ea_1* ea_2*))))] [(decorate-ea f (let [(cons x y) ea_1] ea_2)) ,(*term-let affine-static ([(G/use_1 ea_1*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_1))] [(G/use_2 ea_2*) (term (decorate-ea f ea_2))] [(G/use_2* Q_x) (term (<<->> G/use_2 x))] [(G/use_2** Q_y) (term (<<->> G/use_2* y))]) (term ((<<*>> G/use_1 G/use_2**) (let [(cons x[Q_x] y[Q_y]) ea_1*] ea_2*))))]) ;; Use-qualifier-environment multiplication. This maps all variables found in either ;; environment, and maps those found in both to U. (define-metafunction affine-static <<*>> : G/use G/use -> G/use [(<<*>> () G/use) G/use] [(<<*>> ((x Q_a) (x_r Q_r) ...) ((x_1 Q_1) ... (x Q_b) (x_2 Q_2) ...)) (<<*>> ((x_r Q_r) ...) ((x_1 Q_1) ... (x (glb U (glb Q_a Q_b))) (x_2 Q_2) ...))] [(<<*>> ((x Q) (x_r Q_r) ...) ((x_1 Q_1) ...)) (<<*>> ((x_r Q_r) ...) ((x Q) (x_1 Q_1) ...))]) ;; Use-qualifier-environment addition. This maps all variables found in either ;; environment, and maps those found in both to the weaker condition. (define-metafunction affine-static <<+>> : G/use G/use -> G/use [(<<+>> () G/use) G/use] [(<<+>> ((x Q_a) (x_r Q_r) ...) ((x_1 Q_1) ... (x Q_b) (x_2 Q_2) ...)) (<<+>> ((x_r Q_r) ...) ((x_1 Q_1) ... (x (glb Q_a Q_b)) (x_2 Q_2) ...))] [(<<+>> ((x Q) (x_r Q_r) ...) ((x_1 Q_1) ...)) (<<+>> ((x_r Q_r) ...) ((x Q) (x_1 Q_1) ...))]) ;; Remove a variable from a use environment and return its qualifier as ;; well. If not present, it hasn't been used more then once, so it's A. (define-metafunction affine-static <<->> : G/use x -> (G/use Q) [(<<->> ((x_1 Q_1) ... (x Q) (x_2 Q_2) ...) x) (((x_1 Q_1) ... (x_2 Q_2) ...) Q)] [(<<->> G/use x) (G/use A)]) ;;; ;;; Typechecking a program ;;; (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-program : P -> ((okay ...) tc) [(typecheck-program ((m ...) ec)) (((typecheck-module M m) ...) (typecheck-c M () ec)) (where M (m ...))]) ;; To typecheck a module, we typecheck its body, and then check that the ;; type of the body is compatible with the declared type of the module. ;; For an unlimited module, compatibility is equality, but for an affine ;; module, the declared type may be stronger (greater) than the actual ;; type. (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-module : M m -> any [(typecheck-module M (module C (f : tc) vc)) okay (side-condition (equal? (term tc) (term (typecheck-c M () vc))))] [(typecheck-module M (module A (f : ta^u) va)) okay (side-condition (term (<: (typecheck-a M () va) ta^u)))] [(typecheck-module (m_1 ... (module C (g : tc) vc) m_2 ...) (interface (f :> ta^u) g)) okay (side-condition (equal? (term (ta->tc ta^u)) (term tc)))]) ;;; ;;; Typechecking the U language ;;; ;; To find the type of an expression in the given environment, if possible. (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-c : M Gc ec -> tc ;; TC-Con [(typecheck-c M Gc cc) (typecheck-c-c cc)] ;; TC-Lam [(typecheck-c M Gc (lambda (x : tc) ec)) (tc -> (typecheck-c M (bindc (x : tc) Gc) ec))] ;; TC-Var [(typecheck-c M (Bc_1 ... (x : tc) Bc_2 ...) (var x [f])) tc] ;; TC-Mod [(typecheck-c (m_1 ... (module C (f : tc) vc) m_2 ...) Gc (var f [g])) tc] ;; TC-ModA [(typecheck-c (m_1 ... (module A (f : ta^u) va) m_2 ...) Gc (var f [g])) (ta->tc ta^u)] ;; TC-App [(typecheck-c M Gc (ec_1 ec_2)) (typecheck-c-app (typecheck-c M Gc ec_1) (typecheck-c M Gc ec_2))] ;; TC-If0 [(typecheck-c M Gc (if0 ec_1 ec_2 ec_3)) (typecheck-c-if0 (typecheck-c M Gc ec_1) (typecheck-c M Gc ec_2) (typecheck-c M Gc ec_3))] ;; TC-LetVar [(typecheck-c M Gc (let [x ec_1] ec)) (typecheck-c M (bindc (x : (typecheck-c M Gc ec_1)) Gc) ec)] ;; TC-Pair [(typecheck-c M Gc (cons ec_1 ec_2)) ((typecheck-c M Gc ec_1) * (typecheck-c M Gc ec_2))] ;; TC-Let [(typecheck-c M Gc (let [(cons x y) ec_1] ec_2)) (typecheck-c M (bindc-letpair x y (typecheck-c M Gc ec_1) Gc) ec_2)]) ;; Helper function for applications: ensures that the formal argument type ;; matches the actual argument type, returning the result type. (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-c-app : tc tc -> tc [(typecheck-c-app (tc_1 -> tc_2) tc_1) tc_2]) ;; Helper function for if0 expressions: ensures that the condition is an ;; integer and the two branches have the same type, which is the type of ;; the whole expression. (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-c-if0 : tc tc tc -> tc [(typecheck-c-if0 int tc tc) tc]) ;; Helper to find the type of a constant in the unlimited language. (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-c-c : cc -> tc [(typecheck-c-c n) int] [(typecheck-c-c -) (int -> (int -> int))] [(typecheck-c-c succ) (int -> int)] [(typecheck-c-c pred) (int -> int)]) ;; Helper to check destructuring let (define-metafunction affine-static bindc-letpair : x y tc Gc -> Gc [(bindc-letpair : x y (tc_x * tc_y) Gc) (bindc (x : tc_x) (bindc (y : tc_y) Gc))]) ;;; ;;; Type-checking the A language ;;; ;; To find the type of an affine expression. This differs from how we ;; typecheck conventional expressions in three ways: ;; ;; 1. When a variable is bound to an affine type, we must ;; ensure that the sharing analysis agrees that it is used at most once. ;; ;; 2. When a lambda closes over some affine values, the lambda itself must ;; be given an affine (-1o) type; otherwise, it gets unlimited (-+o) type. ;; ;; 3. We compare types not for equality but subsumption, where necessary. (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-a : M Ga ea -> ta ;; TA-Con [(typecheck-a M Ga ca) (typecheck-a-c ca)] ;; TA-LamAff [(typecheck-a M Ga (name ea_l (lambda (x[Q] : ta) ea))) (ta -1o (typecheck-a M (binda (x : ta) Ga) ea)) (side-condition (term (<: (ta->Q ta) Q))) (side-condition (term (<: A (max-use Ga (fv-a ea_l)))))] ;; TA-LamAff [(typecheck-a M Ga (lambda (x[Q] : ta) ea)) (ta -+o (typecheck-a M (binda (x : ta) Ga) ea)) (side-condition (term (<: (ta->Q ta) Q)))] ;; TA-Var [(typecheck-a M (Ba_1 ... (x : ta) Ba_2 ...) (var x [f])) ta] ;; TA-Mod [(typecheck-a (m_1 ... (module A (f : ta^u) va) m_2 ...) Ga (var f [g])) ta^u] ;; TA-ModC [(typecheck-a (m_1 ... (module C (f : tc) vc) m_2 ...) Ga (var f [g])) (tc->ta tc)] ;; TA-ModI [(typecheck-a (m_1 ... (interface (f :> ta^u) f_1) m_2 ...) Ga (var f [g])) ta^u] ;; TA-App [(typecheck-a M Ga (ea_1 ea_2)) (typecheck-a-app (typecheck-a M Ga ea_1) (typecheck-a M Ga ea_2))] ;; TA-If0 [(typecheck-a M Ga (if0 ea_1 ea_2 ea_3)) (typecheck-a-if0 (typecheck-a M Ga ea_1) (typecheck-a M Ga ea_2) (typecheck-a M Ga ea_3))] ;; TA-LetVar [(typecheck-a M Ga (let [x[Q] ea_1] ea)) ,(*term-let affine-static ([ta_1 (term (typecheck-a M Ga ea_1))]) (if (term (<: (ta->Q ta_1) Q)) (term (typecheck-a M (binda (x : ta_1) Ga) ea)) (error 'typecheck-a "Use qualifier too weak in LET")))] ;; TA-Pair [(typecheck-a M Ga (cons ea_1 ea_2)) ((typecheck-a M Ga ea_1) * (typecheck-a M Ga ea_2))] ;; TA-Let [(typecheck-a M Ga (let [(cons x[Q_x] y[Q_y]) ea_1] ea)) ,(*term-let affine-static ([(ta_x * ta_y) (term (typecheck-a M Ga ea_1))]) (if (and (term (<: (ta->Q ta_x) Q_x)) (term (<: (ta->Q ta_y) Q_y))) (term (typecheck-a M (binda (x : ta_x) (binda (y : ta_y) Ga)) ea)) (error 'typecheck-a "Use qualifier too weak in LET")))]) ;; Helper for checking applications. We can apply both (->) and (-o) ;; functions, and the formal argument type need not match the actual ;; argument type exactly -- the actual argument may have a stronger type ;; than the function expects. (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-a-app : ta ta -> ta [(typecheck-a-app (ta_e -*o ta_r) ta_a) ta_r (side-condition (term (<: ta_a ta_e)))]) ;; Helper for checking if0 expressions. The types of the branches ;; need not match, as long as they have a least-upper-bound, which gives ;; the type of the whole expression. (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-a-if0 : ta ta ta -> ta [(typecheck-a-if0 ta_c ta_t ta_f) (lub ta_t ta_f) (side-condition (term (<: ta_c int)))]) ;; Helper to find the type of a constant in the affine language. (define-metafunction affine-static typecheck-a-c : ca -> ta [(typecheck-a-c n) int] [(typecheck-a-c -) (int -+o (int -+o int))] [(typecheck-a-c succ) (int -+o int)] [(typecheck-a-c pred) (int -+o int)] [(typecheck-a-c [new ta]) (ta -+o (ta ref))] [(typecheck-a-c [swap ta_1 ta_2]) (((ta_1 ref) * ta_2) -+o ((ta_2 ref) * ta_1))]) ;; Fine the maximum of all the use qualifiers for a set of variables ;; with respect to a type environment. (define-metafunction affine-static max-use : Ga (x ...) -> Q [(max-use Ga ()) U] [(max-use (name Ga (Ba_1 ... (x : ta) Ba_2 ...)) (x x_r ...)) (lub (ta->Q ta) (max-use Ga (x_r ...)))] [(max-use Ga (x x_r ...)) (max-use Ga (x_r ...))]) ;; To find the free variables of an expression. (define-metafunction affine-static fv-a : ea -> (x ...) [(fv-a ca) ()] [(fv-a (lambda (x[Q] : ta) ea)) ,(lset-difference eq? (term (fv-a ea)) (term (x)))] [(fv-a (var x [f])) (x)] [(fv-a (ea_1 ea_2)) ,(lset-union eq? (term (fv-a ea_1)) (term (fv-a ea_2)))] [(fv-a (if0 ea_1 ea_2 ea_3)) ,(lset-union eq? (term (fv-a ea_1)) (term (fv-a ea_2)) (term (fv-a ea_3)))] [(fv-a (let [x[Q] ea_1] ea)) ,(lset-union eq? (term (fv-a ea_1)) (lset-difference eq? (term (fv-a ea)) (term (x))))] [(fv-a (cons ea_1 ea_2)) ,(lset-union eq? (term (fv-a ea_1)) (term (fv-a ea_2)))] [(fv-a (let [(cons x[Q_x] y[Q_y]) ea_1] ea)) ,(lset-union eq? (term (fv-a ea_1)) (lset-difference eq? (term (fv-a ea)) (term (x y))))]) ;;;;; ;;;;; Run time ;;;;; ;; Run-time syntax (define-extended-language affine* affine-static (Cfg (M s ec)) ;; Configuration (s (se ...)) ;; Store (se (l = va) ;; Store element (cell) (l = vc)) (l x) ;; Location (ea .... (AC ta f f ec)) ;; Boundary (ec .... (CA ta f f ea) ;; Boundary (blame f any ...)) (va .... (ref l)) ;; Reference cell (vc .... (CA [l] ta f f va)) ;; Sealed affine boundary (ca .... (-/1 n)) ;; Partially-applied subtraction (cc .... BLSSD DFNCT (-/1 n)) ;; Partially-applied subtraction ;; Evaluation contexts, including evaluation in the other ;; language. (Ea hole (Ea ea) (va Ea) (if0 Ea ea ea) (let [x[Q] Ea] ea) (cons Ea ea) (cons va Ea) (let [(cons x[Q] x[Q]) Ea] ea) (AC ta f f Ec)) (Ec hole (Ec ec) (vc Ec) (if0 Ec ec ec) (let [x Ec] ec) (cons Ec ec) (cons vc Ec) (let [(cons x x) Ec] ec) (CA ta f f Ea)) ;; Evaluation contexts without boundaries, guaranteeing that ;; the term in the hole is of the right sort. (E/ah (in-hole Ec (CA ta f f Ea/no-boundary))) (E/ch (in-hole Ec (AC ta f f Ec/no-boundary)) Ec/no-boundary) (Ea/no-boundary hole (Ea/no-boundary ea) (va Ea/no-boundary) (if0 Ea/no-boundary ea ea) (let [x[Q] Ea/no-boundary] ea) (cons Ea/no-boundary ea) (cons va Ea/no-boundary) (let [(cons x[Q] x[Q]) Ea/no-boundary] ea)) (Ec/no-boundary hole (Ec/no-boundary ec) (vc Ec/no-boundary) (if0 Ec/no-boundary ec ec) (let [x Ec/no-boundary] ec) (cons Ec/no-boundary ec) (cons vc Ec/no-boundary) (let [(cons x x) Ec/no-boundary] ec)) ;; Program evaluation contexts, and with particular hole types. (P/ah (M s E/ah)) (P/ch (M s E/ch)) ;; Answers (a (M s vc) (in-hole P/ch (blame f any ...)))) ;;; ;;; The reduction relation ;;; ;; We can't specify our reduction relation exactly like in the paper ;; in redex, because it doesn't allow: ;; ;; (M s_1 e_1) --> (M s_2 e_2) ;; ----------------------------------------------------- ;; (M s_1 (in-hole Ea e_1)) --> (M s_2 (in-hole Ea e_2)) ;; ;; In particular, the premise isn't allowed to contain patterns, so ;; we need to take a slightly different tack. ;; ;; We define three reduction relations instead: ;; ec ==>a ec ;; ea ==>a ea ;; p --> p ;; where all side-effecting steps must be written directly in the ;; last relation. (define red (reduction-relation affine* ;; Discard blame context ;; This isn't a rule in the calculus, but it makes it easier to see ;; blame when it happens: (--> (M s (in-hole E/ch (blame f any ...))) (() () (blame f any ...)) (side-condition (not (equal? (term E/ch) (term hole))))) ;; Basic C reduction (==>c ((lambda (x : tc) ec) vc) (subst-c x vc ec) "C-Beta") (==>c (let [x vc] ec) (subst-c x vc ec) "C-LetVar") (==>c (cc vc) (delta-c cc vc) "C-Delta") (==>c (if0 0 ec_1 ec_2) ec_1 "C-If0") (==>c (if0 n ec_1 ec_2) ec_2 "C-IfZ" (side-condition (not (zero? (term n))))) (==>c (let [(cons x y) (cons vc_x vc_y)] ec) (subst-c x vc_x (subst-c y vc_y ec)) "C-Let") (--> ((m_1 ... (module C (f : tc) vc) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ch (var f [g]))) ((m_1 ... (module C (f : tc) vc) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ch vc)) "C-Mod") ;; Basic A reductions (==>a ((lambda (x[Q] : ta) ea) va) (subst-a x va ea) "A-Beta") (==>a (let [x[Q] va] ea) (subst-a x va ea) "A-LetVar") (--> (M s (in-hole E/ah (ca va))) (M s_* (in-hole E/ah va_*)) (where (s_* va_*) (delta-a l s ca va)) "A-Delta" (fresh l)) ;; We can't allocate a fresh l inside delta-a :( (==>a (if0 0 ea_1 ea_2) ea_1 "A-If0") (==>a (if0 n ea_1 ea_2) ea_2 "A-IfZ" (side-condition (not (zero? (term n))))) (==>a (let [(cons x[Q_x] y[Q_y]) (cons va_x va_y)] ea) (subst-a x va_x (subst-a y va_y ea)) "A-Let") (--> ((m_1 ... (module A (f : ta^u) va) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ah (var f [g]))) ((m_1 ... (module A (f : ta^u) va) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ah va)) "A-Mod") ;; Mixed rules for C (--> ((m_1 ... (module A (f : ta^u) va) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ch (var f [g]))) ((m_1 ... (module A (f : ta^u) va) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ch (CA ta^u g f (var f [g])))) "C-ModA") (==>c (CA int f g n) n "C-Int") (==>c (CA (ta_1 -+o ta_2) f g va) (lambda (x : (ta->tc ta_1)) (CA ta_2 f g (va (AC ta_1 g f (var x [f]))))) "C-Eta" (fresh x)) (--> (M (se ...) (in-hole E/ch (CA ta^a f g va))) (M (se ... (l = BLSSD)) (in-hole E/ch (CA[l] ta^a f g va))) "C-Bless" (fresh l)) (--> (M (se_1 ... (l = BLSSD) se_2 ...) (in-hole E/ch ((CA[l] (ta_1 -1o ta_2) f g va) vc))) (M (se_1 ... (l = DFNCT) se_2 ...) (in-hole E/ch (CA ta_2 f g (va (AC ta_1 g f vc))))) "C-Split") (--> (M (se_1 ... (l = DFNCT) se_2 ...) (in-hole E/ch ((CA[l] (ta_1 -1o ta_2) f g va) vc))) (M (se_1 ... (l = DFNCT) se_2 ...) (in-hole E/ch (blame f C-Resplit))) "C-Resplit") ;; Mixed rules for A (--> ((m_1 ... (module C (f : tc) vc) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ah (var f [g]))) ((m_1 ... (module C (f : tc) vc) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ah (AC (tc->ta tc) g f (var f [g])))) "A-ModC") (--> ((m_1 ... (interface (f :> ta^u) f_1) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ah (var f [g]))) ((m_1 ... (interface (f :> ta^u) f_1) m_2 ...) s (in-hole E/ah (AC ta^u g f (var f_1 [f])))) "A-ModI") (==>a (AC int f g n) n "A-Int") (==>a (AC (ta_1 -*o ta_2) f g vc) (lambda (x[A] : ta_1) (AC ta_2 f g (vc (CA ta_1 g f (var x [f]))))) "A-Eta" (fresh x)) (--> (M (se_1 ... (l = BLSSD) se_2 ...) (in-hole E/ah (AC ta^o_1 g_1 f_1 (CA[l] ta^o f g va)))) (M (se_1 ... (l = DFNCT) se_2 ...) (in-hole E/ah va)) "A-Open") (--> (M (se_1 ... (l = DFNCT) se_2 ...) (in-hole E/ah (AC ta^o_1 g_1 f_1 (CA[l] ta^o f g va)))) (M (se_1 ... (l = DFNCT) se_2 ...) (in-hole E/ah (AC ta^o_1 g_1 f_1 (blame f A-Reopen)))) "A-Reopen") with [(--> (in-hole P/ch ec_1) (in-hole P/ch ec_2)) (==>c ec_1 ec_2)] [(--> (in-hole P/ah ea_1) (in-hole P/ah ea_2)) (==>a ea_1 ea_2)])) (define-metafunction affine* delta-c : cc vc -> vc [(delta-c - n) (-/1 n)] [(delta-c (-/1 n_1) n_2) ,(- (term n_1) (term n_2))] [(delta-c succ n) ,(+ (term n) 1)] [(delta-c pred n) ,(- (term n) 1)]) (define-metafunction affine* delta-a : l s ca va -> (s va) [(delta-a l_f s - n) (s (-/1 n))] [(delta-a l_f s (-/1 n_1) n_2) (s ,(- (term n_1) (term n_2)))] [(delta-a l_f s succ n) (s ,(+ (term n) 1))] [(delta-a l_f s pred n) (s ,(- (term n) 1))] [(delta-a l_f (se ...) [new ta] va) ((se ... (l_f = va)) (ref l_f))] [(delta-a l_f (se_1 ... (l = va_1) se_2 ...) [swap ta_1 ta_2] (cons (ref l) va_2)) ((se_1 ... (l = va_2) se_2 ...) (cons (ref l) va_1))]) (define-metafunction affine* subst-c : x vc ec -> ec [(subst-c x vc cc) cc] [(subst-c x vc (lambda (x : tc) ec)) (lambda (x : tc) ec)] [(subst-c x vc (lambda (x_1 : tc) ec)) (lambda (x_1 : tc) (subst-c x vc ec))] [(subst-c x vc (var x [f])) vc] [(subst-c x vc (var x_1 [f])) (var x_1 [f])] [(subst-c x vc (ec_1 ec_2)) ((subst-c x vc ec_1) (subst-c x vc ec_2))] [(subst-c x vc (if0 ec_1 ec_2 ec_3)) (if0 (subst-c x vc ec_1) (subst-c x vc ec_2) (subst-c x vc ec_3))] [(subst-c x vc (let [x ec_1] ec)) (let [x (subst-c x vc ec_1)] ec)] [(subst-c x vc (let [x_1 ec_1] ec)) (let [x_1 (subst-c x vc ec_1)] (subst-c x vc ec))] [(subst-c x vc (cons ec_1 ec_2)) (cons (subst-c x vc ec_1) (subst-c x vc ec_2))] [(subst-c x vc (let [(cons x x_2) ec_1] ec)) (let [(cons x x_2) (subst-c x vc ec_1)] ec)] [(subst-c x vc (let [(cons x_1 x) ec_1] ec)) (let [(cons x_1 x) (subst-c x vc ec_1)] ec)] [(subst-c x vc (let [(cons x_1 x_2) ec_1] ec)) (let [(cons x_1 x_2) (subst-c x vc ec_1)] (subst-c x vc ec))] [(subst-c x vc (CA ta f g ea)) (CA ta f g (subst-c-a x vc ea))] [(subst-c x vc (CA[l] ta f g ea)) (CA[l] ta f g (subst-c-a x vc ea))] [(subst-c x vc (blame f any ...)) (blame f any ...)]) (define-metafunction affine* subst-a : x va ea -> ea [(subst-a x va ca) ca] [(subst-a x va (ref l)) (ref l)] [(subst-a x va (lambda (x[Q] : ta) ea)) (lambda (x[Q] : ta) ea)] [(subst-a x va (lambda (x_1[Q] : ta) ea)) (lambda (x_1[Q] : ta) (subst-a x va ea))] [(subst-a x va (var x [f])) va] [(subst-a x va (var x_1 [f])) (var x_1 [f])] [(subst-a x va (ea_1 ea_2)) ((subst-a x va ea_1) (subst-a x va ea_2))] [(subst-a x va (if0 ea_1 ea_2 ea_3)) (if0 (subst-a x va ea_1) (subst-a x va ea_2) (subst-a x va ea_3))] [(subst-a x va (let [x[Q] ea_1] ea)) (let [x[Q] (subst-a x va ea_1)] ea)] [(subst-a x va (let [x_1[Q] ea_1] ea)) (let [x_1[Q] (subst-a x va ea_1)] (subst-a x va ea))] [(subst-a x va (cons ea_1 ea_2)) (cons (subst-a x va ea_1) (subst-a x va ea_2))] [(subst-a x va (let [(cons x[Q_1] x_2[Q_2]) ea_1] ea)) (let [(cons x[Q_1] x_2[Q_2]) (subst-a x va ea_1)] ea)] [(subst-a x va (let [(cons x_1[Q_1] x[Q_2]) ea_1] ea)) (let [(cons x_1[Q_1] x[Q_2]) (subst-a x va ea_1)] ea)] [(subst-a x va (let [(cons x_1[Q_1] x_2[Q_2]) ea_1] ea)) (let [(cons x_1[Q_1] x_2[Q_2]) (subst-a x va ea_1)] (subst-a x va ea))] [(subst-a x va (AC ta f g ec)) (AC ta f g (subst-a-c x va ec))]) (define-metafunction affine* subst-a-c : x va ec -> ec [(subst-a-c x va cc) cc] [(subst-a-c x va (lambda (x_1 : tc) ec)) (lambda (x_1 : tc) (subst-a-c x va ec))] [(subst-a-c x va (var x_1 [f])) (var x_1 [f])] [(subst-a-c x va (ec_1 ec_2)) ((subst-a-c x va ec_1) (subst-a-c x va ec_2))] [(subst-a-c x va (if0 ec_1 ec_2 ec_3)) (if0 (subst-a-c x va ec_1) (subst-a-c x va ec_2) (subst-a-c x va ec_3))] [(subst-a-c x va (let [x_1 ec_1] ec)) (let [x_1 (subst-a-c x va ec_1)] (subst-a-c x va ec))] [(subst-a-c x va (cons ec_1 ec_2)) (cons (subst-a-c x va ec_1) (subst-a-c x va ec_2))] [(subst-a-c x va (let [(cons x_1 x_2) ec_1] ec)) (let [(cons x_1 x_2) (subst-a-c x va ec_1)] (subst-a-c x va ec))] [(subst-a-c x va (CA ta f g ea)) (CA ta f g (subst-a x va ea))] [(subst-a-c x va (CA[l] ta f g ea)) (CA[l] ta f g (subst-a x va ea))] [(subst-a-c x va (blame f any ...)) (blame f any ...)]) (define-metafunction affine* subst-c-a : x vc ea -> ea [(subst-c-a x vc ca) ca] [(subst-c-a x vc (ref l)) (ref l)] [(subst-c-a x vc (lambda (x_1[Q] : ta) ea)) (lambda (x_1[Q] : ta) (subst-c-a x vc ea))] [(subst-c-a x vc (var x_1 [f])) (var x_1 [f])] [(subst-c-a x vc (ea_1 ea_2)) ((subst-c-a x vc ea_1) (subst-c-a x vc ea_2))] [(subst-c-a x vc (if0 ea_1 ea_2 ea_3)) (if0 (subst-c-a x vc ea_1) (subst-c-a x vc ea_2) (subst-c-a x vc ea_3))] [(subst-c-a x vc (let [x_1[Q] ea_1] ea)) (let [x_1[Q] (subst-c-a x vc ea_1)] (subst-c-a x vc ea))] [(subst-c-a x vc (cons ea_1 ea_2)) (cons (subst-c-a x vc ea_1) (subst-c-a x vc ea_2))] [(subst-c-a x vc (let [(cons x_1[Q_1] x_2[Q_2]) ea_1] ea)) (let [(cons x_1[Q_1] x_2[Q_2]) (subst-c-a x vc ea_1)] (subst-c-a x vc ea))] [(subst-c-a x vc (AC ta f g ec)) (AC ta f g (subst-c x vc ec))]) (define-metafunction affine* P->Cfg : P -> Cfg [(P->Cfg (M ec)) (M () ec)]) ;;;;; ;;;;; Examples ;;;;; ;; check : P -> ((okay ...) tc) (define (check P) (term (typecheck-program (decorate-program ,P)))) ;; run/unchecked : P -> (listof Cfg) (define (run/unchecked P) (apply-reduction-relation* red (term (P->Cfg (decorate-program ,P))))) ;; run : P -> (listof Cfg) (define (run P) (check P) (run/unchecked P)) ;; run/t : P -> (define (run/t P) (check P) (parameterize ([reduction-steps-cutoff 200]) (traces red (term (P->Cfg (decorate-program ,P)))))) ;; More examples: ;; pN : P (define p1 (term (() (succ 1)))) (define p2 (term (((module C (n : int) 3)) n))) (define p3 (term (((module A (n : int) 3)) (succ n)))) (define p4 (term (((module C (2+ : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (succ (succ x))))) 2+))) (define p5 (term (((module C (2+ : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (succ (succ x))))) (2+ 3)))) (define p6 (term (((module C (2+ : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (succ (succ x))))) (2+ (2+ 3))))) (define p7 (term (((module C (apply : ((int -> int) -> (int -> int))) (lambda (f : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x))))) ((apply pred) 9)))) (define p8 (term (((module C (z : int) 0) (module C (+ : (int -> (int -> int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) (if0 x y ((+ (pred x)) (succ y)))))) (module C (times : (int -> (int -> int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) (if0 x z ((+ y) ((times (pred x)) y))))))) ((times 2) 2)))) (define p9 (term (((module C (+ : (int -> (int -> int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y)))))) ((+ 10) 20)))) (define p10 (term (((module A (+ : (int -+o (int -+o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y)))))) ((+ 10) 20)))) (define p11 (term (((module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y)))))) ((+ 10) 20)))) (define p12 (term (((module A (+ : (int -+o (int -+o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (module A (addtwice : (int -+o (int -+o int))) (lambda (x : int) (let [adder (+ x)] (lambda (y : int) (adder (adder y))))))) ((addtwice 1) 3)))) ;; type error (define p13 (term (((module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (module A (addtwice : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (let [adder (+ x)] (lambda (y : int) (adder (adder y))))))) ((addtwice 1) 3)))) ;; type error (define p14 (term (((module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (module A (addtwice : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (let [adder (+ x)] ;; adder used twice (lambda (y : int) (adder (adder y))))))) ((addtwice 1) 3)))) ;; type error (define p15 (term (((module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (module A (addtwice : (int -+o (int -+o int))) (lambda (x : int) ((lambda (adder : (int -1o int)) (lambda (y : int) ;; can't close over adder (adder (adder y)))) (+ x))))) ((addtwice 1) 3)))) (define p16 (term (((module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (module A (addtwice : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (let [adder1 (+ x)] (let [adder2 (+ x)] (lambda (y : int) (adder1 (adder2 y)))))))) ((addtwice 1) 3)))) ;; Contract error (blame addtwice) (define p17 (term (((module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (module C (addtwice : (int -> (int -> int))) (lambda (x : int) (let [adder (+ x)] (lambda (y : int) (adder (adder y))))))) ((addtwice 1) 3)))) (define p18 (term (((module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (module C (addtwice : (int -> (int -> int))) (lambda (x : int) (let [adder1 (+ x)] (let [adder2 (+ x)] (lambda (y : int) (adder1 (adder2 y)))))))) ((addtwice 1) 3)))) ;; Type error (define p19 (term (((module C (apply : ((int -> int) -> (int -> int))) (lambda (f : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x)))) (module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (module A (2+ : (int -+o int)) (lambda (z : int) ((apply (+ 2)) z)))) ;; Can't pass affine function to apply (2+ 9)))) (define p20 (term (((module C (apply : ((int -> int) -> (int -> int))) (lambda (f : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (f x)))) (module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (interface (my-apply :> ((int -1o int) -+o (int -1o int))) apply) (module A (2+ : (int -+o int)) (lambda (z : int) ((my-apply (+ 2)) z)))) (2+ 9)))) ;; contract error (blame my-apply) (define p21 (term (((module C (apply2 : ((int -> int) -> (int -> int))) (lambda (f : (int -> int)) (lambda (x : int) (f (f x))))) (module A (+ : (int -+o (int -1o int))) (lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : int) ((- x) ((- 0) y))))) (interface (my-apply :> ((int -1o int) -+o (int -1o int))) apply2) (module A (2+ : (int -+o int)) (lambda (z : int) ((my-apply (+ 2)) z)))) (2+ 9)))) (define p22 (term (((module A (meh : (int -+o int)) (lambda (start : int) (let [cell ([new int] start)] (let [(cons cell v1) ([swap int int] (cons cell 9))] (let [(cons cell v2) ([swap int (int -+o int)] (cons cell succ))] (if0 v1 (let [(cons cell v3) ([swap (int -+o int) int] (cons cell 0))] (v3 v2)) v2))))))) (meh 0)))) (define p23 (term (((module A (meh : (int -+o int)) (lambda (start : int) (let [cell ([new int] start)] (let [(cons cell v1) ([swap int int] (cons cell 9))] (let [(cons cell v2) ([swap int (int -+o int)] (cons cell succ))] (if0 v1 (let [(cons cell v3) ([swap (int -+o int) int] (cons cell 0))] (v3 v2)) v2))))))) (meh 3)))) ;; Type error (define p24 (term (((module A (meh : (int -+o int)) (lambda (start : int) (let [cell1 ([new int] start)] (let [(cons cell2 v1) ([swap int int] (cons cell1 9))] (let [(cons cell3 v2) ([swap int (int -+o int)] (cons cell2 succ))] (if0 v2 (let [(cons cell4 v3) ([swap (int -+o int) int] (cons cell3 0))] (v3 v2)) (let [(cons cell4 v3) ([swap int int] (cons cell1 0))] v3)))))))) (meh 3)))) (define p25 (term (((module A (meh : (int -+o int)) (lambda (start : int) (let [cell1 ([new int] start)] (let [put (lambda (x : int) (let [(cons cell res) ([swap int int] (cons cell1 x))] res))] (let [start1 (put 0)] start1)))))) (meh 3)))) ;; Type error (define p26 (term (((module A (meh : (int -+o int)) (lambda (start : int) (let [cell1 ([new int] start)] (let [put (lambda (x : int) (let [(cons cell res) ([swap int int] (cons cell1 x))] res))] (let [start1 (put 5)] (put start1))))))) (meh 3)))) ;; Type error (define p27 (term (((module A (ap0 : ((int -1o int) -+o int)) (lambda (f : (int -1o int)) (let [r ([new (int -1o int)] f)] (let [(cons n1 f1) ([swap int int] (cons r 5))] (pred n1)))))) (ap0 succ)))) (define p28 (term (((module A (intref : (int -+o (int ref))) (lambda (x : int) ([new int] x))) (module A (take : ((int ref) -+o int)) (lambda (r : (int ref)) (let [(cons r1 n) ([swap int (int -+o int)] (cons r pred))] n))) (module C (double : (int -> int)) (lambda (y : int) (let [r (intref y)] (let [n (take r)] ((- n) ((- 0) n))))))) (double 5)))) ;; contract violation (blame double) (define p29 (term (((module A (intref : (int -+o (int ref))) (lambda (x : int) ([new int] x))) (module A (take : ((int ref) -+o int)) (lambda (r : (int ref)) (let [(cons r1 n) ([swap int (int -+o int)] (cons r pred))] n))) (module C (double : (int -> int)) (lambda (y : int) (let [r (intref y)] ((- (take r)) ((- 0) (take r))))))) (double 5)))) ;; Some helper macros to make this self-contained. ;; (These are due to Sam Tobin-Hochstadt) (define-syntax no-fail (syntax-rules () [(_ e r) (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda _ r)]) e)] [(_ e) (no-fail e #f)])) (define-syntax term-let* (syntax-rules () [(term-let* () . e) (term-let () . e)] [(term-let* (cl . rest) . e) (term-let (cl) (term-let* rest . e))])) (define-syntax (match/redex stx) (define-syntax-class clause #:transparent #:description "match/redex clause" (pattern [pat ((e:expr) #:min 1) ...*])) (syntax-parse stx [(_ lang e:expr cl:clause ...) #:declare lang static (quasisyntax/loc stx (let ([r (term e)]) ((term-match/single lang [cl.pat (begin cl.e ...)] ... [any #,(syntax/loc stx (error 'match/redex "no match for term ~a" r))]) r)))])) (define-syntax (*term-let-one stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ lang ([pat rhs]) . body) (quasisyntax/loc stx (let ([r rhs]) ((term-match/single lang [pat (begin . body)] [any #,(syntax/loc stx (error 'term-let "term ~a did not match pattern ~a" r 'pat))]) r)))])) (define-syntax *term-let (syntax-rules () [(*term-let lang () . e) (term-let () . e)] [(*term-let lang (cl . rest) . e) (*term-let-one lang (cl) (*term-let lang rest . e))]))