(Jack) John E. Tumblin

Associate Professor, EECS Department, Computer Science

3.320 Ford Design Center, Room 3.341
2133 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208
(847) 467-2129

jet at cs dot northwestern dot edu

Jack Tumblin was granted tenure September, 2007 and promoted to Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He joined the Department of Computer Science at Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor in September 2001, after two years as a post-Doctoral Associate at the Program of Computer Graphics at Cornell University. He received his PhD in Computer Science in December, 1999 from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the College of Computing advised by Dr. Jessica Hodgins and Dr. Greg Turk at the Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center.

Research interests include:

  • Computational Photography & Illumination
  • Computer Vision and Interactive Computer Graphics
  • High Dynamic Range (HDR) Images and Image Processing
  • Digital Archives of Visual Appearance for Museum Collections
  • Human Visual Perception, Psychophysics, and Physiology

His MS in Electrical Engineering (December 1990) and BSEE (1978), also from Georgia Tech, bracketed his work as co-founder of IVEX Corp., (more than 45 people as of 1990) where he developed one of the first image-based flight simulators [1],[2]. His engineering work has been granted eight (8) US patents, most of them covered by EU patents as well.

He has been an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Graphics (2001-2006) a member of the SIGGRAPH Papers Committee (2003, 2004), and a Guest Editor of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (2001).

His research is funded by grants from the National Science Foundation [IIS:Digital Libraries and Archives], [CPA:Foundations of Computing Processes and Artifacts], by a generous gift from Adobe Systems, Inc., and by a Northwestern University Corporate Partner Undergraduate Research Grant.

EECS Department | 3.320 Ford Design Center
2133 Sheridan Road | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL 60208
Office: 3.341 (3rd floor) | Lab: SB3.321(Sub Basement)
(847) 467-2129 | (847) 491-5258 FAX