New Course:  CS-395 / 495 -26  
IBMR: Image Based Modeling and Rendering

Spring Quarter:  Tues, Thurs 4:30-6:00pm
Instructor:  Jack Tumblin ( , )

Recent computer graphics work promotes digital images to a 'first class' primitive, to make images equally useful as both input and output.  IBMR methods use images in new ways to address questions like these:

Images hold partial information about lighting, objects, surfaces, positions and movements--that's why people like to look at them. This course will introduce you to some recent techniques that try to extract, modify, and/or re-use some of this information to make new images.

Prerequisites--CS-351 Introduction to Computer Graphics, reasonable comfort with linear algebra
    or permission of instructor  (please ask if you're interested--you can probably do it!)

Topics:  projective image geometry and warping, image resampling and antialiasing,  warping images with depth, epipolar geometry, recovering geometry, 'inverse rendering' problems,  high-contrast imaging, BRDF recovery.

Text:  Multiple-View Geometry, Hartley and Zisserman, Cambridge Press, plus handouts.
This is a good, comprehensive text, though it looks more intimidating than it actually is. 

Plan: We will closely (and slowly) examine Part I and Part II of the text (Camera Calibration, Two-View Geometry/Epipolar Methods). Unlike winter quarter's 'Advanced Graphics Seminar', this course will be narrower, will require programming in Visual C++.  You will learn strengths and weaknesses of methods by actually trying them.  We may use 100-year old stereo-opticon slides from the Eastman Kodak museum, famous paintings, computer graphics renderings, or  digital photos  taken in class or in the lab.

Grading: 1 midterm, no final, and one programming project built and graded in 5 stages.  Projects will receive "Image-based grading"--let's make some interesting pictures!