Topics and Schedule
CS 395 - Advanced
Computer Graphics
Winter Quarter 2003
Here is the list of the topics we
will cover in class. Each week we begin discussion of new topics with a 45 minute
introductory lecture by the Prof. Remaining class time in the week will
be taken up with in-depth student presentations on the week's topic. |
Weekly Topics: |
Reading |
Tu/Th Jan 7/9 -- Introduction & Overview: Jan 7:
Tumblin: Intro, Administrivia; |
your presentation topic preferences |
Tu/Th Jan 14/16 -- Shape representation:
Volumes, implicit
surfaces, parametric surfaces, subdivision surfaces, point based models,... Jan 14: Overview (talk; demos 1, 2;
Good starting points: |
"Adaptively sampled
distance fields: a general representation of shape for computer graphics" Frisken et al., SIGGRAPH
00. "Surface
Zwicker et al., SIGGRAPH 01. (project
page) |
Tu/Th Jan 21/23 -- 2D Image space techniques: Anti-alias, composite, image
morph, mosaics, panoramas... Jan 21: Overview (talk; paper)
Good starting points: |
"Polynomial texture maps" Tom Malzbender et al.,
SIGGRAPH 01. "Environment matting
and compositing"
Douglas Zongker et al., SIGGRAPH 99.
Tue/Thu Jan 28/30 - Surface mappings:
Procedural textures
& elaboration,
bump/displacement maps, ... Jan 28: Overview (talk; pictures)
Good starting points: |
synthesis on surfaces"
Greg Turk, SIGGRAPH 01. "Lapped
Praun et al., SIGGRAPH 00. |
Tue/Thu Feb 4/6 - Real Global illumination & Convincing
Fakesl BRDFs, radiosity,
photon mapping, subsurface scattering...
Due dates: Feb 4: Overview (talk) Good starting points: "Fast Calculation of Soft-Shadow Textures Using
Convolution" Cyril Soler, Francois Sillion, pg 321, SIGGRAPH1998 "Instant Radiosity" Alexander Keller, pg.49 SIGGRAPH1997 Desktop RADIANCE homepage (Win32 RADIANCE+GUI)
image-based rendering"
Cabral et al., SIGGRAPH 99. "Instant
Alexander Keller, SIGGRAPH 97. (home page)
Tue/Thu Feb 11/13 - Shape manipulation: Simplification,
morphing, comparison & summary, fitting... Feb 11: Overview (talk,
1, 2,
Good starting points: |
transformation using variational implicit functions" Turk et al., SIGGRAPH 99. "Topology
matching for fully automatic similarity estimation of 3D shapes" Hilaga et al., SIGGRAPH 01. |
Tue/Thu Feb 18/20 - Light fields and Approximations: Visibility culling,
shadow maps, lumigraphs... Due date: Feb 18: Overview (talk) Good starting points: "The Lumigraph" Steven Gortler et al., SIGGRAPH`96, pg.?? "Light Field Rendering" Marc Levoy et al.
SIGGRAPH96 Adaptive Shadow Maps: Randima Fernando,... pg 387, SIGGRAPH 2001 Luebke's Visibility Culling Lecture: "Tracing Ray Differentials" Homan Igehy, SIGGRAPH 1999 |
Steven Gortler et al., SIGGRAPH 96. "Deep shadow maps" Tom Lokovic and Eric
Veach, |
Tue/Thu Feb 25/27 - "Non-Photorealistic Rendering"
(NPR): Ink, pencil,
watercolor, oil, artistic style, video... Feb 25: Overview (talk, pictures, example)
Good starting points: Mario Souza's NPR
"Escherization" Craig Kaplan et al.,
SIGGRAPH 00. "Digital
facial engraving"
Victor Ostromoukhov, SIGGRAPH 99. more... |
Tue/Thu Mar 4/6 - Model acquisition & IBMR light field capture, 3D
scans, Image based modeling
& rendering, Mar 4:Overview (talk) Good starting points: "The Digital Michelangelo Project: 3D Scanning
of Large Statues", Marc Levoy et. al., pg 131, SIGGRAPH2000: SIGGRAPH2000 3D photography course: "View Morphing", Steve Seitz, Chuck Dyer, SIGGRAPH 96 "Layered Depth Images", Jonathan Shade, Steven Gortler, Li-Wei He, Richard Szeliski. SIGGRAPH 1998, 231-242, July 1998. and the follow-on: " LDI Trees: A Hierarchical Rep. for Image Based Rendering" Chun-fa Chang, pg 291 SIGGRAPH1999 |
Digital Michelangelo Project: 3D Scanning of Large Statues" Marc Levoy et al., SIGGRAPH
00. (project page)
Visual Hulls"
Matusik et al., SIGGRAPH 00. (project page, presentation)
Tue/Thu Mar 11/13 - Demos, Odds & Ends: Project demos, makeup presentations,
etc. |
Animation of All
--Human Facial Modeling, Animation, Recognition
--Human Figure Movement and Animation
--Motion-Capture and Object Tracking
--Real Physics: Collision Detection, Fluid Dynamics, Light Refraction,
Dispersion & Fluorescence
--Tone-mapping and
Perception (Tumblin's specialty)
--Image-Based Rendering (caching, visibility schemes)
--Haptics and Real-Time Deformable Objects
--Human-Computer Interface for Graphics Tasks ('Teddy', Marks' Design-Space
--Graphics Hardware: Compilers for Shading Languages; General Purpose Image