New Course:  CS-395/495 Section 25
IBMR: Image Based Modeling and Rendering

from this:

make this:
From "Image-Based Modeling and Photo-Editing" Byong Mok Oh, Max Chen, Julie Dorsey, and Fredo Durand
SIGGRAPH 2001 Proceedings

Recent computer graphics work promotes digital images to a 'first class' primitive, to make images equally useful as both input and output.  In this course we will learn about:

Spring Quarter 2003:  Tues, Thurs 3:30-5:00pm, 1890 Maple Ave. Rm 342
Instructor:  Jack Tumblin ( , )
Prerequisites--CS-351 Introduction to Computer Graphics, reasonable comfort with linear algebra
    or permission of instructor  (please ask if you're interested--you can probably do it!)

Grading: take-home mid-term, take-home final, and one programming project built and graded at several stages.  
Projects will receive "Image-based grading"--let's make some interesting pictures!