CS 395/495
Section 24

Computer Graphics

Winter Quarter 2004
Tues/Thurs 3:30 -5:00
CS Dept,  Rm 342
1890 Maple Ave

Professor: Jack Tumblin

e-mail: jet@cs.northwestern.edu

Course Description

This seminar/project course will introduce you to a broad variety of new topics that build on the basic techniques covered in Introductory Graphics (CS351). We will survey a new topic area each week with readings, discussions, and presentations from both the students and the instructor. 

To gain more in-depth knowledge, students invent a graphics project in one of the topic areas, and demonstrate their results in class and on a website at the end of the quarter.

--Winter 2004 Schedule--
2005 version is on CMS/Blackboard…

Important Dates :

Mon Jan 12: 10AM
e-mail your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice for Presentation Topic

Mon Jan 19: 10AM
Graphics Project Proposal Due

Tue Feb 9: 10AM 
Project Progress Report Due

Thu: Mar 8: 10AM
Project Webpage, Code Due



How the course works


Where to look
to start your Project

Topic Schedule:

Week-by-week plan,
reading assignments & references


Files for Laurence Berland