rubenstein [at] northwestern [dot] edu
Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering
Northwestern Univeristy
Curriculum Vitae
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I am an associate professor with a joint appointment in the Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering departments at Northwestern University.
My research interest is to advance the control and design of multi-robot systems, enabling their use instead of traditional single robots and to solve problems for which traditional robots are not suitable. Using these multi-robot systems can offer more parallelism, adaptability, and fault tolerance when compared to a traditional single robot. I am also interested in investigating how new technologies will allow for more capable multi-robot systems, and how these technologies impact the design of multi-robot algorithms, especially as these systems begin to number in the hundreds, thousands, or even millions of robots.
I received my PhD from the University of Southern California in Computer Science. After my PhD, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Self-Organizing Systems Research Group at Harvard University. I completed my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering at Purdue University.