module _ where open import bool open import eq {- 0. set up agda. Visit the installation section of the agda website: Also, get a copy of the text book: The book points to the IAL agda library but it points to an old version. You want the latest, which you can get here: You will need to also add this pull request: If that causes you trouble, there is a virtual machine that has everything set up that I've put in box: but it got deleted somehow. This link should start working at some point on October 20th You should be able to import that into virtual box. The main user's name is `ial` and so's the password. To solve the rest of these exercises, I recommend you create a file in the same directory as the IAL library you've checked out (icky, I know). I will grade your homework by putting it there to try it out. -} {- 1. Do exercises 1.1 and 1.2 (page 14) in the text. -} {- 2. Do exercise 2.3 (page 41) in the text -} {- 3. prove the following identities: -} curry : ∀ (b1 b2 b3 : 𝔹) -> b1 imp (b2 imp b3) ≡ (b1 && b2) imp b3 curry b1 b2 b3 = {!!} demorgan : ∀ b1 b2 -> ~ (b1 && b2) ≡ ~ b1 || ~ b2 demorgan b1 b2 = {!!} imp-not-or : ∀ b1 b2 -> ~ b1 || b2 ≡ b1 imp b2 imp-not-or b1 b2 = {!!}