Assignment 7a – Weakest Precondition Exercises
Due Mon 5/29 11:59pm
Solve the exercises laid out in hw7a.txt.
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{goal[x -> e]} x = e {goal} |
{pre} S1 {pre-S2} {pre-S2} S2 {goal} |
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{pre} S1; S2 {goal} |
{pre-S1} S1 {goal} {pre-S2} S2 {goal} |
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{(b ⇒ pre-S1) ∧ (~b ⇒ pre-S2)} (if (b) S1 S2) {goal} |
obligations = pre(f, AE ...) assumptions = post(f, AE ...) |
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{obligations ∧ (assumptions ⇒ goal[x -> f(AE ...)])} x = f(AE ...) {goal} |
where pre(f, AE ...) substitutes each argument AE |
into the precondition of f |
post(f, AE ...) substitutes each argument AE |
into the postcondition of f, and |
replaces `result` in the |
postcondition with f(AE ...) |