Software Construction Assignment 10: Prepare for Tournament

Due: June 7, 2018 @ 10pm. Please include a README.txt that has both partners' names and email addresses.

Your task is to get your best player program into shape for the tournament. Each team will be allowed only a single player in the tournament.

The purpose of the tournament is to judge the cleverness of your player and the quality of your code in a practical manner.

The tournament will take place during the final exam period. Bring a computer that can get online to run your player or leave your software on a network accessible computer and we can run your player from remotely from my computer. Get in touch with me ahead of time and send me some code so if you want me to run your player, so I can make sure basic things work if you want to use this option. You don't have to send the final player, just a version that can at least connect to the server and play a game.

Test your protocol implementation against the server that will be used for the tournament. It is provided in a tsuro.tar.gz and a file. See the README in the bundle for more information.

We have been evaluating your code all quarter by reading it (only). But we would be remiss not to include at least some evaluation based on how well it works, as measured by running it and (automatically) looking at its output. To that end, we will run your player in the tournament and your Tsuro administrator in test-play-a-turn and we will factor the results into your final grade. You code will be considered to pass if we cannot get either of those to report an error in your code. If either does report an error, we will be in touch to let you know and let you respond.

Here is how we will assign grades for this aspect of your code. Note that Passing the player portion is worth more than passing the administrator portion.

  • A no errors in either
  • B+ no errors in tournament, errors in play-a-turn
  • B errors in tournament, no errors in play-a-turn
  • C errors in both

Software Construction