1 Path-to-blue-eyes
2 Union-nodup
3 Union-sort
Your task is a series of three hand evaluations. You may
show all of the steps, or only show the steps right before
each call to a one of the functions given (i.e., just
before each recursive call or call to a helper function).
As you do the hand evaluations, be sure to use cut and
paste. Particularly useful are the alt-shift-arrow key
sequences in DrScheme. Use alt-shift-right and
alt-shift-left to select complete subexpressions and the
copy and paste them as you go from step to step.
Do not attempt this homework on pencil and paper, especially
if you plan to show all of the steps.
The grade for this assignment replaces your lowest homework
grade, but the highest grade given will be a check.
The sample solutions contain every step.
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