How Computers Work

CMSC 15400: Introduction to Computer Systems

Syllabus (updated during the quarter)

Class will meet from 9:30-10:20 on MWF in Ryerson 251.
The lab is from 3:30-4:50 on Wednesday in JRL A01C for Lab. See the lab webpage for details on the labs.

This course covers the basics of computer systems from a programmer's perspective. Topics include data representation, machine language programming, exceptions, memory systems, and being the client of an operating system.

The goal of this course is to help students be more effective programmers and to prepare students for advanced systems courses, such as architecture, compilers, operating systems, and networks. C programming required.

Introduction to Computer Science 2 (CMSC 15200 or CMSC 16200) or permission of the instructor.
Mailing List
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Required text
Reccommended texts
Either: Kernighan & Ritchie, The C Programming Language (Second Edition), or
Harbison & Steele Jr, C, A Reference Manual (Fifth Edition)
Late Policy
Homework is due at the beginning of class. Labs are due at the end of the lab period. Programming exericses will have due dates listed on them. We will not accept late homework.

Grades are assigned based on your homeworks (25%), lab exercises (10%), programming exercises (25%), and on the exams (40%).

Robby Findler