Implementation of the Game ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= Project Overview: The Game is organized as a server-client architecture. Each Player is organized with a model-view-controller architecture. In principle, one could open the game so that others could register players that implement a different game strategy. Main would have to change so that people can load alternative/new classes that implement IPlayer and create players from these classes. For that reason, the classes are annotated in this document as private or public, even though the privacy declarations play no role. The two architectures are interwoven. Here is a (partial) overview: ============================================================================= Main: creates players : IPlayer, connects them with controller, registers them with server, starts the game, and eventually announces the winners ============================================================================= Server/Model, View, and Controller: Model consists of Server, MPlayer, and HPlayer: Server public interface IServer public interface ITurn public class Server implements IServer // singleton pattern: Server.server private class SPlayer // represents a player internally for the Server private class Die // represents a die private class Turn implements ITurn // represents a single turn of the game Player public interface IPlayer public abstract class Player implements IPlayer // the common pieces of Player public class MPlayer extends Player // represents a machine player public class HPlayer extends Player // represents a human player Control: public class Controller // links a view and a model, no other function otherwise here View: the actual implementation of the view consists of three layers: - Layout implements the global frame and its components - HLayout and MLayout specialize Layout for HPlayer and MPlayer, respectively - HView and MView implement the semantics of the two Layout classes for HPlayer and MPlayer, respectively - a controller navigates between the views and the players it is a variation on the MVC theme, non-standard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout | ---+--- | | HLayout MLayout | | IHView:: HView IMView :: MView | +--> IListener ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public interface IHView // the human view interface public interface IListener // a human view needs a listener to implement the meaning of actions public interface IMView // the machine view interface public abstract class Layout // the general graphical layout for a player gui abstract class HLayout extends Layout // .. specialized for Human players abstract class MLayout extends Layout // .. specialized to machine players public class MView extends MLayout implements IMView // the view for machine players public class HView extends HLayout implements IHView // the view for human players ============================================================================= Stories (use cases): 1. Registering players: Main creates and then registers players with the server. When main has registered the players, it requests the server to play a round of the game. The result of play() is printed as an announcement. 2. Playing a turn: The server plays rounds until there are no more active players. For each round, the server grants each player a turn. The player can tell the turn to roll the dice or to skip, but only one of three actions is valid. If the player object does more with this turn, it is recorded as a cheater and eliminated from the tournament. 3. End of game When all players have signaled that they are done, the server informs each player object about the player's results. ============================================================================= Tests: Each concrete class (that is more than just a record) contains some static examples and a `public static main' function for testing the class's functionality. To test a concrete class C: compile the classes then run java C The class Tester contains some auxiliary functions for testing, plus a main function that runs all tests. To run a complete test, compile the classes then run java Tester TestIDisplay : a simple implementation of IDisplay for testing purposes Tester: some basic test infrastructure ============================================================================= Classes: A typical class consists of these pieces: class C extends .. implements .. { - public and protected fields and a constructor // ------------------------------------------------------------------ - public and private methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Examples and tests } Public methods that implement an interface method are documented in the interface. All other non-trivial methods are documented above the header. ============================================================================= Refactoring tasks possible refactoring tasks: IHDisplay // design improvement: could return which button was clicked Layout // sums should move from Layout to Player ============================================================================= Run: To run the program, compile all classes and run java Main [human-name] from the command line. At the moment, the game consists of one machine player and one human player. Each player is represented by one window. (You may need to drag the windows so that you can see all windows.) You can add (human and machine) players by editing