Comp Sci 321:   Programming Languages — Homework 1
1 Set up Dr  Racket & Create Handin Account
2 Honor Code
3 Trees
4 Smallest
5 Balance
6 More Balance
7 Negation
8 Addition
9 Transmutation
10 Handin

Comp Sci 321: Programming Languages — Homework 1

1 Set up DrRacket & Create Handin Account

Be sure you have Racket version 7.0 (or higher) installed. You can download it from Racket is also installed on the T-lab machines in: /home/software/racket/bin/drracket

Open DrRacket, set the language to "The Racket Language" (via the Language | Choose Language menu item), put the following program into the upper window (replacing whatever is there), and click "Run":

#lang plai
(expt 2 100)

You should see the prompt in the interactions window (a > character) and the number 1267650600228229401496703205376.

The first line tells Racket that we’ll be using the plai language, which is what we’ll use throughout the quarter. You can find the documentation for the plai language here. The second line just does some computation to make sure everything is working.

Install the handin server plugin by using DrRacket’s File | Install Package... menu item. In the dialog box, paste this url into the box:

Then press Install. Wait for the Close button to become enabled (and then click it). Restart DrRacket.

After restarting DrRacket, select the Manage Comp Sci 321 PL Handin Account... menu item from DrRacket’s File menu. Change to the New User panel, and pick a username and password. (Use your real name and real NetID, so that we can connect your homework submissions with you. DON’T reuse an existing password. Good password hygiene is important.)

You will have to install the handin plugin for each different filesystem for which you want to have a Handin button. However, after creating a handin account once from any machine, you can use DrRacket’s Handin button on any other machine.

There is a quick reference for Racket available from the course webpage. You may wish to have a look if you’re not familiar with the language.

2 Honor Code

Every homework assignment you hand in must begin with the following definition (taken from the Provost’s website; see that for a more detailed explanation of these points):

(define eight-principles
   "Know your rights."
   "Acknowledge your sources."
   "Protect your work."
   "Avoid suspicion."
   "Do your own work."
   "Never falsify a record or permit another person to do so."
   "Never fabricate data, citations, or experimental results."
   "Always tell the truth when discussing your work with your instructor."))

If the definition is not present, you receive no credit for the assignment.

3 Trees

The following Tree datatype describes binary trees with interior nodes (that carry no value) as well as two kinds of leaves, one to represent positive integers, and another to represent negative integers:

(define-type Tree
  [positive-leaf (val natural?)]
  [negative-leaf (val natural?)]
  [interior-node (left Tree?) (right Tree?)])

Zero can be represented as either a positive or a negative leaf. Note that either kind of leaf can only hold natural? numbers, that is, integers greater than or equal to zero. Thus, a leaf holding the integer -5 would be expressed using (negative-leaf 5).

Implement a contains? function that takes a Tree as its first argument, and an integer (positive or negative) as its second, and that returns true if the given integer is present anywhere in the tree. It should return false otherwise.

Every problem must come with an appropriate set of test cases. At a minimum the test cases must cover every branch in each function you write. Here’s one to get you started:

(test (contains? (interior-node (interior-node (positive-leaf 5)
                                               (negative-leaf 4))
                                (positive-leaf 3))

4 Smallest

Implement a smallest function, which takes a Tree as argument and returns the integer (i.e., not the node) that has the smallest (i.e., closest to negative infinity, not closest to zero) value.

5 Balance

We will consider a Tree to be balanced if the sum of the values of its leaves is zero.

Implement a balanced? function, which takes a Tree as argument and returns true if the tree is balanced, and returns false otherwise.

6 More Balance

We will consider a Tree to be deeply balanced if and only if all the interior nodes in the tree are balanced.

Implement a deep-balanced? function, which takes a Tree as argument and returns true if it is deeply balanced, and returns false otherwise.

7 Negation

Implement a negate function, which takes a Tree as argument, and returns a new Tree of the same shape, but where the value of each leaf is negated.

8 Addition

Implement an add function, which takes a Tree as its first argument and an integer as its second, and adds the integer to the value of all the leaves in the tree.

9 Transmutation

Implement a positive-thinking function, which takes a Tree as argument and produces a new tree which removes all negative leaves from the original tree. If the resulting tree would have no nodes, return false.

Hint: the total number of nodes (leaf and interior) in the resulting tree will be less than or equal to the total number of nodes in the original, minus the number of negative leaves in the original.

10 Handin

Click the handin button in DrRacket to hand in your submission before the deadline. Make sure you wait until you see the "Handin Successful". message before closing. Late homework will not be accepted.