Homework 2
Handed out: April 21,
Due back: May 4,
11:59pm, 2007(by submission timestamp).
Submission: Electronic
submission to ychen@northwestern.edu
Notes: 1. To be done by each group.
Please do not give a simple yes/no as results to some of the questions. Briefly explain why and how you obtain that
problem 9-2
problem 11-5
problem 11-6
- Because
of the known risks of the UNIX password system, the SunOS-4.0
documentation recommends that the password file be removed and replaced
with a publicly readable file called /etc/publickey. An entry in the file for user A consists
of a user’s identifier IDA, the user’s public key, KUA,
and the corresponding private key KRA. This private key is encrypted using DES
with a key derived from the user’s login password PA. When A logs in, the system decrypts E[PA, KRA] to obtain KRA..
Here we use E[key, object] to denote encryption
of object with the key, and use D[key, object] to denote decryption of
object with the key. (12 points)
- The
system then verifies that PA was correctly supplied. How?
- Is
the system secure? Can the
opponent attack this system without exhaustive trying all the passwords? Why or why not?
- Consider
the KDC and CA servers. Suppose a KDC goes down. What is the impact on the ability of
parties to communicate securely; that is, who can and cannot communicate? Justify your answer. Suppose now a CA goes down. What is the
impact of this failure?
- Assume
a client machine authenticates a user to a remote server over a clear text
channel. The following table refers
to three authentication methods.
Write yes/no in the following table cells.
Vulnerable to network sniffing
Vulnerable to dictionary attacks
Client can change his secret in case of a compromise
Plaintext passwords
Plaintext biometrics
Challenge response with user secret on smartcard
- There is
a flaw in the virus program below. What is it? Note that the first line of
the program V is 1234567 (“goto main” just show
you the normal execution starting point.)