Leiwen Deng, Yan Gao, Yan Chen, and
Alexsander Kuzmanovic,"
Pollution Attacks and Defenses for Internet Caching Systems",
to appear in Journal of Computer Networks.
Robert Schweller, Zhichun Li, Yan Chen, Yan Gao, Ashish Gupta, Elliot Pearson, Ying Zhang, Peter A.
Dinda, Ming-Yang Kao, and Gokhan Memik,"Reversible Sketches: Enabling Monitoring and Analysis over High-speed Data
to appear in ACM/IEEE Transaction on Networking.
Ren Pin, Yan Gao, Zhichun Li, Yan Chen, and Benjamin Watson,
"IDGraphs: Intrusion Detection and Analysis Using Stream Compositing",
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, special issue on Visualization for Cyber Security, pp.28-39,
Yan Gao, Xiaohong Guan and Guoji Sun,
"Host Intrusion Detection System based on Real-Time Keystroke",
Chinese Journal of Computers, Volume 27, No.3, pp.396-401, March,
2004. (in Chinese)
Li Feng, Xiaohong Guan, Sangang Guo, Yan Gao
and Peini Liu, "Predicting the intrusion intentions by observing
system call sequences", Computers and Security, Elsevier
Science, Volume 23, Issue 3, pp.241-252, May, 2004.
Li Feng, Xiaohong Guan, Sangang Guo, Yan Gao
and Peini Liu, "Plan Recognition Based Method for Prodicting Intrusion
Intention of System Call Sequences", Chinese Journal of Computers,
Volume 27, No.8, pp.1083-1091, August, 2004. (in Chinese)
Yan Gao, Gang Hua and Guoji Sun, "An
New Hybrid Method of Fast Vector Quantization", Microelectronics
& Computer, Vol.20, No.2, pp.56-59, Feb., 2003. (in Chinese)