Phone: (847) 467-6341
| Publications | Projects | Teaching | Working Experience | Resume |
Yao Zhao, Sagar Vemuri, Jiazhen Chen, Yan Chen, Hai Zhou and Zhi (Judy) Fu, Exception Triggered DoS Attacks on Wireless Networks , to appear in DSN-DCCS 2009. A full version can be found in the technique report NWU-EECS-08-13.
Yao Zhao, Zhaosheng Zhu, Yan Chen, Dan Pei and Jia Wang,
Towards Efficient Large-Scale VPN Monitoring and Diagnosis under
Operational Constraints, to appear in Infocom, 2009. A full version
can be found in the technique report NWU-EECS-08-06.
Presentation slides
Yao Zhao, Yinglian Xie, Fang Yu, Qifa Ke, Yuan Yu, Yan Chen and Eliot Gillum,
BotGraph: Large Scale Spamming Botnet Detection ,
to appear in USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Apr. 2009.
HTML version can be found at here.
Presentation slides
Yao Zhao, Yan Chen, and Sylvia Ratnasamy, Load balanced and Efficient Hierarchical Data-Centric Storage in Sensor Networks,
in the Proc. of
fifth IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), 2008.
Presentation slides
Yan Gao, Yao Zhao, Robert Schweller, Shobha Venkataraman, Yan Chen, Dawn Song, and Ming-Yang Kao, Detecting Stealthy Spreaders Using Online Outdegree Histograms, in the Proc. of the 15th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2007.
Yao Zhao and Yan Chen,
A Suite of Schemes for User-level Network Diagnosis without Infrastructure,
in the Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, 2007. A full version
can be found in the technique report.
Presentation slides
Prasad Narayana, Ruiming Chen, Yao Zhao, Yan Chen, Zhi Fu, and Hai Zhou,
Automatic Vulnerability Checking of IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Protocols through TLA+,
in Proc. of the Second Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec), co-located with ICNP 2006.
Yao Zhao, Yan Chen, and David Bindel,
Towards Unbiased End-to-End Network Diagnosis,
in Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM 2006
Presentation slides
Yao Zhao, Yan Chen, and David Bindel,
Towards Deterministic Overlay Diagnosis,
poster paper in ACM SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006
Yao Zhao, Q. Zhang, Bo Li, Yan Chen and Wenwu Zhu,
Efficient Hop ID based Routing for Sparse Ad Hoc Networks,
in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, Boston, Nov. 2005
Presentation slides
Yao Zhao, Yan Chen, and David Bindel, Scalable and Deterministic Overlay Network Diagnosis, poster in ACM SIGCOMM, Philadelphia, Aug. 2005.
Yao Zhao, Yong Xiang, Leiming Xu and Meilin Shi, On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol with Multipoint Relay(ODMRP-MPR) in Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Network, Journal of High Technology Letters (Chinese), Vol.14, 2004
Yao Zhao, Yong Xiang, Leiming Xu and Meilin Shi, A Multi-Channel Medium Access Control Protocol for Multicast in Mobile Ad-hoc Network, in Proceedings of Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications(PIMRC), Beijing, China, Sept. 2003
Yao Zhao, Yong Xiang, Leiming Xu and Meilin Shi,
On-Demand Multicast Route Protocol with Multipoint Relay(ODMRP-MPR) in Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Network,
In Proceedings of International Conference on Communications Technology (ICCT), Beijing, China, Apr. 2003
Yao Zhao, Yan Chen, and David Bindel, Towards Unbiased End-to-End Network Diagnosis, to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2009
Yao Zhao and Yan Chen, FAD and SPA: A Suite of Schemes for User-level Network Diagnosis without Infrastructure, in the Journal of Computer Networks, Volume 53, Issue 9, Pages 1303-1318, June 2009.
Yao Zhao, Yan Chen, Bo Li, and Qian Zhang,
Hop ID: A Virtual Coordinate based Routing for Sparse Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
in IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 1075-1089, September, 2007.
Leiming Xu, Bo Pang, Yao Zhao, "NS and Network Simulation", POSTS & TELECOM PRESS, China, 2003
Yao Zhao and Yan Chen, Algebraic Approaches for Scalable End-to-End Monitoring and Diagnosis, invited book chapter for "Algorithms for Next Generation Network Architecture", Springer, 2009 (to appear)
CS 450 - Internet Security: a Measurement-based Approach, Teaching Assistant, Spring 2005
EECS 350 - Introduction to Computer Security, Teaching Assistant, Winter 2007
Microsoft Research Redmond, Internship (03/09-06/09), Worked on p2p based multi-party video conferencing
Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, Internship (06/07-08/07, 01/08-02/08), Worked on email spamming and botnet detection
Oracle R&D Department, Beijing, China, Software engineer (02/04-07/04), Worked on "Ultrasearch of Oracle Collaboration Suite"
Wireless & Network Group, Microsoft Research Asia, Internship (08/03-03/04), Worked on scalable routing in mobile ad-hoc network
Sohu Company, Beijing, China, Part time, Software engineer, (07/00-12/00), Worked on development of Online Java Network Games
Sep. 2004 to Present, Ph.D student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department of Northwestern University
Sep. 2001 to Jan. 2004, Tsinghua University, Beijing
MEng in Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, P.R.China
Sep. 1997 to Jul. 2001, Tsinghua University, Beijing
BEng Degree in Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, P.R.China