Comp Sci 321:   Programming Languages — Homework 4
1 Functions that Accept Multiple Arguments (with Deferred Substitutions)
2 Errors
3 Conditionals
4 Negative predicate
5 Multiplication on integers
6 Handin instructions

Comp Sci 321: Programming Languages — Homework 4

1 Functions that Accept Multiple Arguments (with Deferred Substitutions)

Start with the F1WAE interpreter for deferred substitution, and extend the implementation to support any number of arguments to a function (including zero), and any number of arguments (including zero) in a function application:

<FunDef> = {deffun {<id> <id>*} <FnWAE>}

<FnWAE> = <num>

        | {+ <FnWAE> <FnWAE>}

        | {- <FnWAE> <FnWAE>}

        | {with {<id> <FnWAE>} <FnWAE>}

        | <id>

        | {<id> <FnWAE>*}

As with homework 3, you must change the F1WAE datatype, and you must thus provide a parse function that produces values of your modified F1WAE datatype. It must accept a quoted expression and produce an FnWAE value. Similarly, you must provide a parse-defn function to parse definitions.

See homework 3 for details on these functions.

You must also provide an interp-expr function with the contract FnWAE (listof FunDef) -> Number, which encapsulates your interp function for the FnWAE language. Our tests will call your interp-expr function with the results of your parsers.

2 Errors

Your interpreter and parser must obey the formats and precedence rules described in homework 3.

Otherwise, assume that the input to your parser is a well-formed program.

3 Conditionals

Add if0, a conditional expression. It has three subexpressions:

<FnWAE> = ...

        | {if0 FnWAE FnWAE FnWAE}

Evaluating an if0 expression evaluates the first subexpression; if it produces 0, then the result of the entire expression is the result of the second subexpression. Otherwise, the result is the result of the third subexpression.

(test (interp-expr (parse '{if0 0 1 2}) '()) 1)
(test (interp-expr (parse '{if0 1 2 3}) '()) 3)

4 Negative predicate

Implement, in the FnWAE language (without any extensions), a predicate neg? that determines if an integer is negative.

{deffun {neg? x} ...}

It must return either 0 (if the input is negative), or 1 (if not). The number 0 is not itself considered negative.

5 Multiplication on integers

Implement, in the FnWAE language (without any extensions), a function mult that computes the product of two integers.

{deffun {mult x y} ...}

6 Handin instructions

Provide definitions for parse, parse-defn, and interp-expr, as above.

Provide a PLAI-level definition of mult-and-neg-deffuns that is bound to a list of (unparsed) deffuns that contains both neg? and mult as well as any helper functions you need:

(define mult-and-neg-deffuns
  (list `{deffun {neg? x} ...}
        `{deffun {mult x y} ...}
        ; other deffuns okay, too

Do not leave in any unused code (i.e., no subst). Tests for the above functions (or helpers you may use along the way) are fine, though.

Have the 8 rules from the Provost’s website (see the homework 1 for more details).

Submit your code using the Handin button in DrRacket.