Comp Sci 321:   Programming Languages — Homework 9
1 Typechecker Extensions
2 True, False, equals, and if
3 Typed Lists
4 Typed Vectors and Generic Operations
5 Typing Rules
6 Errors
7 Handin Instructions

Comp Sci 321: Programming Languages — Homework 9

Install the plaitypus language via DrRacket’s File | Install Package ... menu item. Type plaitypus into the "Package Source" box and click "OK".

You can find documentation for plaitypus by going to the main documentation page for your installation (type F1 in DrRacket and then click the "Up" links until there aren’t any more) and following the "Plaitypus Language" link you find there.

Start your program with: #lang plaitypus

1 Typechecker Extensions

In this assignment, you’ll be extending the typechecker we wrote in lecture for the TFAE language to cover the extended TLFAE language. Thus, you will need representations for TLFAE programs and types. Your solution must provide parse and parse-type functions to construct them from the surface syntax described below.

You may use our definitions for them, or come up with your own. As you prefer.

Note that the input to the parsers must be an s-expression. Quasiquote produces s-expressions, so the following works: (parse `{+ 5 6})

Note that to get values of s-expression type, you will need to use quasiquote explicitly. Code that was equivalent before may not work in plaitypus. For example, the following would not work because these parser inputs do not have type s-expression:

(parse 7)
(parse 'true)
(parse-type 'number)

2 True, False, equals, and if

Add support for true, false, {= ... ...}, and {if ... ... ...} expressions to the TFAE:

<TLFAE> = <num>

        | true

        | false

        | {+ <TLFAE> <TLFAE>}

        | {- <TLFAE> <TLFAE>}

        | {= <TLFAE> <TLFAE>}

        | <id>

        | {if <TLFAE> <TLFAE> <TLFAE>}

        | {fun {<id> : <type>} <TLFAE>}

        | {<TLFAE> <TLFAE>}


<type> = number

       | boolean

       | {<type> -> <type>}

3 Typed Lists

Add support for lists to the language by extending it with the following expressions:

<TLFAE> = ...

        | {cons <TLFAE> <TLFAE>}

        | {first <TLFAE>}

        | {rest <TLFAE>}

        | {nil <type>}

        | {empty? <TLFAE>}


<type> = ...

       | {listof <type>}

All of which work as they do in PLAI, with the exception of nil, which is just the empty list, but must be annotated with a type. For example, the type of {nil number} is {listof number}.

Require that all elements of a list have the same type, which you can ensure when typechecking cons.

It might seem unusual that nil must come with a type. Since the empty list can have many types, the programmer has to explicitly pick the one that agrees with the rest of the list.

4 Typed Vectors and Generic Operations

Add support for vectors (i.e., arrays) to the language by extending it with the following expressions:

<TLFAE> = ...

        | {make-vector <TLFAE> <TLFAE>}

        | {set <TLFAE> <TLFAE> <TLFAE>}


<type> = ...

       | {vectorof <type>}

In this language, vectors are homogeneous: all their elements must be of the same type.

make-vector takes as its first argument a number specifying the length of the vector to create, and as its second argument the value to initialize all the vector elements to.

set takes a vector as its first argument, the index to modify as its second, and the new element as its third. It’s result in the element that originally was at that index.

Of course, one may also want to access the nth element of a vector, so it makes sense to provide an operation that does that. But of course, one may also be interested in accessing the nth element of a list. Instead of providing two separate operations, we will add a single generic operation—getthat supports both vectors and lists. In types parlance, this is called ad-hoc polymorphism.

In addition to this generic get operations, we will add a generic length operation which returns the length of a given list or vector.

<TLFAE> = ...

        | {get <TLFAE> <TLFAE>}

        | {length <TLFAE>}

get takes a list or a vector as its first argument, an index as its second, and returns the element at that index in the list or vector.

5 Typing Rules

Here are the precise typing rules for the new constructs. The part in square brackets on the right of the rule is the name of the rule, for your convenience. It does not carry any semantic meaning.


6 Errors

If typecheck-expr is passed an expression that isn’t well-typed, then it should throw an error. The possible errors are as follows.

If there are multiple type errors in a program, raising any of them is fine.

7 Handin Instructions

Provide a definition of typecheck-expr : TLFAE -> Type, as above.

Provide a definition of parse : s-expression -> TLFAE, as above.

Provide a definition of parse-type : s-expression -> Type, as above.

Have the 8 rules from the Provost’s website (see the homework 1 for more details).

Submit your code using the Handin button in DrRacket.