Simone Campanoni

Associate professor
Department of Computer Science at Northwestern University

Simone Campanoni

Computer Science
Northwestern University


Here you can find the software our group developed.
Some of them are designed and developed in collaboration with other research groups within and outside Northwestern.

Next is some of the software we are currently maintaining. The full list can be found here.

Fun fact: my entire website (html files and javascript code) as well as my CV (latex files) are automatically generated by the compiler I developed (at the end of working days) called SIMO (Sleeping In My Office).


NOELLE Offers Empowering LLVM Extensions

NOELLE provides abstractions to accelerate the implementation of advanced code analyses and transformations.
This software is developed for the parallelization, MARC, compiling for sub-cycle microarchitecture activities, and power of modern compilers research directions.

Parallelizing compilers

This software is developed for the parallelization research direction.

Memory-Centric Compilers

This software is developed for the memory-centric compilers research direction.

MARC: Mining Advantages in non-deteRministic Code

This software is developed for the MARC research direction.


This software is developed for the parallelization, and MARC research directions.

LLVM related software

Next there is a set of software packages I built to help LLVM development.

My development environment

Next there is the software/configurations I use for my development environment. I hope you will find them as useful as I do.

External links:
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