Slide 21 & 22 of 52
One problem with the compressing the dynamic range is that the shading is less prominent.
This is a problem also faced by photographers.
When a photographer wants to convey the shape of an object, he would use lights to bring depth to an image.
Similarly, artists use combinations of colors to produce cool and warm contrasts in the shaded and lit regions.
Artists apply pigments in layers. In the image labeled complementary shading, the artists parint the shaded side with the complementary color of the object: in the case of the red apple the shaded side is painted green, and the shaded side of the yellow apple is painted purple.
In the final image another layer of paint is put over the complementary shaded region. Artists use these complementary shading techniques to create cool to warm transitions. Cool to warm transitions bring depth to an image because cool colors recede while warm colors advance.
These images were taken from a text used to train painters and other visual artists.