Spring 2004
LAST YEAR'S WEBPAGE -- Has lecture notes, projects, etc...
Class Meetings: Tues/Thurs 3:30-5:00
Room 342, 1890 Maple Avenue
Syllabus: IBMR_Syllabus2004.pdf (Last Revised 4/27/2004)
Textbook: Handouts +
Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision
Emanuele Trucco and Alessandro Verri, Prentice Hall, (1998) WEBSITE
Our previous textbook is also helpful (you'll get handouts), but not required:
Multiple View Geometry
in Computer Vision,
Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman, Cambridge University Press (c)2000.
TA: Abhinav Dayal abhinav@cs.northwestern.edu
Office: 2nd Floor, 1890 Maple Ave.
TA Office Hours for IBMR:
3:00pm to 4:00pm
11:00am to 12:00
Instructor: Jack Tumblin
Office: jet@cs.northwestern.edu;
467-3500 (e-mail is usually faster)
Rm 350 CS
Dept. Northwestern University
1890 Maple
Avenue 3rd Floor
LookLab: Rm 227 (no phone).
--I recommend doing assigned readings BEFORE attending class.
have better questions (strongly encouraged) and you're less likely to fall
--Please don't skip class to work on your project:
instead, come to class and ask/learn how to do the hard
parts. It's far more efficient.
Helpful Online Reading Materials:
Essential OpenGL: The
OpenGL Programming Guide,
3rd Edition: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.2 (e.g. "The
Red Book") Mason Woo, OpenGL Architecture Review Board, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis, Dave
Shreiner ISBN 0201604582paperback.
Also consider OpenGL Reference Manual, 3rd Edition
Web searches offer endless online introductions, help and tutorials, including:
--Official Site: www.opengl.org
news, books, tutorials, standards & revisions
--Other Books: http://www.opengl.org/developers/documentation/books.html
--OpenGL Overview: http://www.opengl.org/developers/about/overview.html
--Code Help: www.codeguru.com/opengl/index.shtml
Multiview Geometry Tutorials, Related Courses:
Grading: 60% Programming Project +
website to show results
20% Take-Home Midterm Exam.
20% Class Participation
Project and Homework ====>>>
Turn-in Instructions: click here
--2-D Starter Code For Windows: IBMR_2DglutStarter01.zip
--With command shell (cool!) IBMR_2DglutStarter03shell.zip
--2-D Starter Code For LINUX: IBMR_2DglutStarter01.tar.gz
--With command shell (cool!) IBMR_2DglutStarter03shell.tar
--3-D Starter Code (Windows)
that constructs an 'H' matrix from 4 point pairs using SVD:
Week | Date | Topic | Reading | Lecture Notes | Optional Topics |
1 | Tue March 30
Thurs April 1 |
Admin details, Introduction
2D Projective Geometry Intro |
Zisserman Handout: Chapter 1.0-1.2 (skip conics:
1.2.3) Trucco: Chap 1,2 |
IBMRtumblin01new.ppt | |
2 | Tue April 6 Thu April 8 |
2D Projective Geometry: points, lines, ideal points, the enclosing line at infinity; The bits & pieces of H |
Zisserman Handout: Sections 1.3--1.6 |
Projective2D-intro.ppt | |
3 |
Tue April 13: April 15 |
2D Projective Geometry: Finding H from 4 points? Singular Value Decomposition |
Chapter 1 Sections 1.7--end of chapter. |
4 | Tue April 19 Thu April 22 |
2D Projective Geometry: DLT; accurate estimates from inaccurate measures. Fitting lines,pts, curves. |
Zisserman Handout: Chapter 3.1-3.2
(continue with last week's slides) |
Estimation_Optional.ppt finish Zisserman Chap 3 |
5 | Tue Apr 27 Thu Apr 29 |
Warps, Panoramas, and Light Probes. |
Papers: "Image Metamorphosis" Beier, NeelySIGG'92 (html-no pictures) Trucco: Chapter 2 |
Projective2D_ PanoSphereWarp.ppt | |
6 | Tue May 4 Thu May 6
(Cancelled: Vision Sciences Conference) Lenses and Light Measurement |
(Trucco: Chapter 2) |
lensCameraBasics.ppt | |
7 | Tue May 11
Project: 1 page Progress Report Thu May 13 |
Physics, Light, and Materials Measurement: Color, irradiance, BRDF, reciprocity.
"Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs" Debevec,Malik SIGG97 |
(Continue: lensCameraBasics.ppt) |
8 | Tue May 18
Thu May 20 |
P3: Projective 3D space Cameras map P3 to P2
Handout: Chapter 2 Zisserman
Handout: Chapter 5 (part) Zisserman |
(begin) |
9 | Tue May 25 Thu May 27 |
Measuring with Cameras: as Protractors,
etc. Epipolar Geometry, Fundamental Matrix |
Handouts: Chapter 7 (part) Zisserman (don't panic! ignore incomprehensibles)
Projective3D-2cameras.ppt | |
10 |
(last class week) Tue June 1 Thu June 3 |
Change-Based Image
Project Presentations |
Image Editing Perez,Gagnet,Blake: SIGGRAPH2003 Poisson Solvers McLean (source)
Change-Based Images.ppt | |
11 |
Exam Week |
(done!) | k |
Last Updated: 05/27/2004