David Franklin: Publications

aka: Papers with my name on them
The Intelligent Classroom: Competent Assistance in the Physical World
David Franklin. Ph.D. dissertation. Northwestern University. June 2001.
[abstract] [pdf] [postscript]

The Intelligent Classroom: Providing Competent Assistance
David Franklin and Kristian Hammond. In the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents , May 2001.
[abstract] [pdf] [postscript]

Jabberwocky: You don't have to be a rocket scientist to change slides for a hydrogen combustion lecture
David Franklin, Shannon Bradshaw and Kristian Hammond. In the Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , January 2000.
[abstract] [pdf] [postscript]

Improving Human Computer Interaction in a Classroom Environment using Computer Vision
Joshua Flachsbart, David Franklin and Kristian Hammond. In the Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces , January 2000.
[abstract] [postscript]

The Intelligent Classroom
David Franklin, Joshua Flachsbart and Kristian Hammond. IEEE Intelligent Systems journal, 14(5), September/October 1999, pp 2-5.
[abstract] [pdf] [postscript]

Beyond "Next slide, please": The use of content and speech in multi-modal control
David Franklin, Shannon Bradshaw and Kristian Hammond. In the Working Notes of the AAAI-99 Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems , July 1998.
[abstract] [pdf] [postscript]

Cooperating with people: The Intelligent Classroom
David Franklin. In the Proceedings of Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence , July 1998.
[abstract] [pdf] [postscript]

All gadget and no representation makes Jack a dull environment
David Franklin and Joshua Flachsbart. In the Proceedings of Spring Symposium on Intelligent Environments , March 1998.
[abstract] [pdf] [postscript]

Integrating Range and Object Data for Robot Navigation
David Franklin and R. James Firby. In the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Autonomous Agents , February 1997.
[abstract] [pdf] [postscript]

Happy Patrons make better tippers: Creating a Robot Waiter using Perseus and the Animate Agent Architecture
David Franklin, Michael J. Swain, Roger E. Kahn and R. James Firby. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, October 1996.
[abstract] [pdf] [postscript]

Programming CHIP for the IJCAI-95 Robot Competition
R. James Firby, Peter N. Prokopowicz, Michael J. Swain, Roger E. Kahn and David Franklin. AI Magazine, 17(1), Spring 1996, pp 71-81.