FlexBot Projects
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ongoing |
proposed | enhancements
Team communication
Better communication infrastructure for robots in a team.
Communication can be managed through the use of global variables in the
behavior DLL used in common by the bots. However we need to define some
standard conventions for these variables, and there needs to be easy access
to these variables from GRL.
Better installation mechanism
Our current distribution is a plain zip file. Not real
sophisticated. Maybe some sort of InstallWise implementation?
Starting the bots at specific points on the map
The spawn points on the map are fixed. However, for
debugging purposes, it would be really nice if our bots could start at a
specific point on the map.
HUD of current behavior
There's no easy way of seeing the behavior that a bot is
currently running.
Bug Fixes
Console crashes on menu access. Appears to be a new HL engine problem. Previous versions never seemed to have this
can-get-item for weapons is broken
Sometimes, in long games, the bots die and never respawn
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proposed | enhancements |