Selected Publications:

·Xiang Huang, Marc Walton, Greg Bearman and Oliver Cossairt,``Near Light Correction for Image Relighting and 3D Shape Recovery'', to appear in Digital Heritage 2015 (long paper).[PDF] [Project Page]

·Oliver Cossairt, Xiang Huang, Nathan Matsuda, Harriet Stratis, Mary Broadway, Jack Tumblin, Greg Bearman, Dale Kronkright, Eric Doehne, Aggelos Katsaggelos and Marc Walton,``Surface Shape Studies of the Art of Paul Gauguin'',to appear in Digital Heritage 2015 (long paper).[PDF], [Project Page]

·Xiang Huang, Oliver Cossairt and Marc Walton,``Practical Shape Recovery from
Near-light and Near-camera Photometric Stereo
'', in International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP)} (poster), Apr 2015. [PDF]

·Xiang Huang and Oliver Cossairt,``Dictionary Learning based Color Demosaicing for
Plenoptic Cameras
'', in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Computational Cameras and
Displays (CCD2014)
, pp. 455-460, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 2014.[PDF] [project page]

·Xiang Huang, Gang Hua, Jack Tumblin, Lance Williams,``What Characterizes a Shadow Boundary under the Sun and Sky? '', in Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV'2011), pp. 898-905, Barcelona, Spain, November, 2011.[PDF] [project page]

·Ankit Mohan, Xiang Huang, Ramesh Raskar and Jack Tumblin, ``Sensing Increased Image Resolution Using Aperture Masks'', in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'2008), pp. 1-8, Anchorage, AK, 2008.[PDF] [project page]

·Xiang Huang, Ankit Mohan and Jack Tumblin, ``Deep Shadows in a Shallow Box'', in Proc. SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference (EI'2008), Vol. 6810, pp.1-9, San Jose, CA, February 2008.[PDF] [project page]

·Xiang Huang and Xiaolin Wu, "Optimal Index Assignment for Multiple Description Lattice Vector Quantization", pp. 272-281, in Proc. Data Compression Conference (DCC'2006), Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2006. [PDF] [project page]

·Xiang Huang and Xiaolin Wu, "Optimal Design of Multiple Description Lattice Vector Quantizers", submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theory. [PDF] [project page]

·Co-inventor with Dr. Sunil Hadap, ``Separating Shading and Reflectance from a Single Color
Image'', US Patent pending, 2010

·Xiang Huang
, "Multiple Description Lattice Vector Quantization", Master of Applied Science thesis (outstanding thesis award), McMaster University, Canda, 2006.[PDF]

Technique Reports:
·Xiang Huang and Xiaolin Wu, ``Optimal Segmentation and Understanding of Motion Capture Data'', poster seminar 2005, ECE Department of McMaster University.[PDF]


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Last update: Jan 31, 2012