
Interactive Audio Lab:
my old lab
[www] EECS: my old department
Northwestern University: my
old university
Mark Cartwright:
PhD candidate
[www] Zhiyao Duan: PhD at NU now assistant professor at University of Rochester
[www] Jinyu Han: PhD at NU now research scientist at Gracenote
[www] Bongjun Kim: PhD student
[www] Bryan Pardo: associate professor
[www] Prem Seetharaman: PhD student
[www] Richard Ashley: professor at NU
[www] Eric Battenberg: research scientist at Gracenote
[www] Francois G. Germain: PhD student at Stanford
[www] Josh McDermott: professor at MIT
[www] Gautham J. Mysore: research scientist at Adobe Systems
[www] Andy Sabin: managing member of Ear Machine LLC
[www] Erik Schmidt: research scientist at Pandora
[www] Dennis L. Sun: PhD student at Stanford
[www] Roland Badeau: associate professor at Télécom
[www] Nancy Bertin: research scientist at INRIA in Rennes
[www] Laurent Daudet: professor at Paris Diderot University
[www] Angélique Drémeau: postdoc at Télécom ParisTech
[www] Slim Essid: associate professor at Télécom
[www] Cédric Févotte: research scientist at Laboratoire Lagrange in Nice
[www] Rémi Foucard: PhD at Télécom
[www] Benoit Fuentes: PhD at Télécom
[www] Romain Hennequin: research engineer at Audionamix in Paris
[www] Antoine Liutkus: research scientist at INRIA in Nancy
[www] Aymeric Masurelle: PhD student at Télécom
[www] Manuel Moussallam: research scientist at Deezer in Paris
[www] Gaël Richard: professor at Télécom
[www] Francois Rigaud: PhD at Télécom
[www] Gilles Chardon: postdoc at ARI in Austria
[www] Jean-Louis Durrieu: software engineer in Switzerland
[www] Sebastian Ewert: research assistant at QMUL in the UK
[www] Derry FitzGerald: postdoc at CIT in Ireland
[www] Chao-Ling Hsu: PhD at NTHU in Taiwan
[www] Anssi Klapuri: associate professor at TUT in Finland
[www] Brandon Mechtley: postdoc at QMUL in the UK
[www] Meinard Müller: researcher at MPI-INF in Germany
[www] Ken O'Halon: PhD student at QMUL in the UK
[www] Umut Şimşekli: research assistant at Boǧaziçi University in Turkey
[www] Dan Stowell: postdoc at QMUL in the UK
[www] Yi-Hsuan Yang: research scientist at Academia Sinica in Taiwan
[www] Kazuyoshi Yoshii: research scientist at AIST in Japan
Johann Dionnet:
French movie star :)
[www] Jean-Baptiste Verdier:
environment artist and matte painter
Binary Mind:
electronic music and visual art
[www] Kitu:
French comic strip blogger