A. Sundararaj, "An Optimization Problem in Adaptive Virtual Environments", ACM SIGMETRICS Seventh Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA 2005), June 2005, Banff, Canada.
A. Sundararaj, "Automatic Run-time Adaptation in Virtual Execution Environments", ACM SIGMETRICS Ph.D. Student Forum, June 2005, Banff, Canada.
A. Sundararaj, "Increasing Application Performance In Virtual Environments Through Run-time Inference and Adaptation", Fourteenth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-14), July 2005, Research Triangle, NC.
A. Sundararaj, "Dynamic Topology Adaptation of Virtual Networks of Virtual Machines", Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Langauges, Compilers and Run-time Support for Scalable Systems (LCR 2004), October 2004, Houston, TX.
A. Sundararaj, "Towards Virtual Networks for Virtual Machine Grid Computing", Proceedings of the third USENIX Conference on Virtual Machine Technology (VM 04), May 2004, San Jose, CA.
A. Sundararaj, "Virtual Machine Resource Monitoring and Networking of Virtual Machines", Talk at PhD candidacy qualifying exam, Department of Computer Science, Northwestern University, July 2003.